A charity group in my area is offering free gas cards for low-income families? Do you think this is wrong?

2008-08-14 4:33 pm
I think this approach is wrong because it encourges our dependence on foreign oil and helps keep gas prices high. The correct approach would be to give away free mass transit passes. This would encourage conservation and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Those living outside the mass transit area should be encouraged to move to within the mass transit area and be given housing assistance.

回答 (4)

2008-08-14 6:01 pm
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I think that would be a good idea if it made it possible for them to get to work. if you don't provide the means to keep driving to work for those who do not live near mass transit how is someone supposed to keep working until they can find somewhere else to live closer to where they work? Not everyone wants to live in subsidized housing even if it is near a bus route either, because of the higher risk of crime.

With the cost of gas going up the mass transit service in my area is going to add an express route to a stop across the street from where I work. Sounds lovely but I will have to drive 5 miles to get to the bus stop and pay $14 a day to ride the bus! As it is now I carpool with one other person, but have to drive that same 5 miles to get to our meeting point near an interstate exit. What we need is more mass transit routes at a reasonable price. There is not enough room for everyone to move to the urban area where mass transit is already active!

I can't afford to live in the state where I work because the cost of living is so much higher than in the semi-rural area where I do live. And the same job in the state where I live doesn't pay nearly as well as the one where I work, so even if there were industries/offices nearby I would rather make the commute out of state!
2008-08-15 6:35 pm
Not all petroleum comes from foreign sources.

Not all people do best clumped up in mass transit areas.

A gas card is generally less than $50. Relocating a family is $1000+ plus an ongoing housing subsidy plus loss of job if their job was in the rural or suburban area where they lived. Plus destruction of family and friendship support. That is very impractical besides robing ppl of the right to choose where they live.
參考: 13 yrs as exec director of a ministry that helps low income ppl
2008-08-19 2:44 pm
That charity can't give enough money to have such an impact. Mass transit has its place, but homes/apts. near it tend to be more expensive. Besides, moving is expensive and can disturb networks of family and friends that help poor people cope. Getting free mass transit and losing free child care, for example, is no bargain.
2008-08-14 6:01 pm

I really dont see anything wrong with somebody wishing to help others out who are less fortuante. But also Bus transit or tracks is another great idea as well and would cut down on pollution in our state.

Not everybody can move. if everybody were to move into this one area it would probably be quite crowded and living would be awfully tight with neighbors on top of each other. and crime could go up.. not too fun.

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