To be or not to be , that is the question 這句莎士比亞的名句,其實係乜意思?

2008-08-15 7:38 am
To be or not to be , that is the question 這句莎士比亞的名句,其實係乜意思?(請用中文回答)

回答 (5)

2008-08-15 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
佢係《王子復仇記》(Hamlet) 中嘅名句。當時主角 Hamlet 面對痛苦嘅抉擇,應唔應該向佢阿叔報仇,唔報自己都會死。To be or not to be , that is the question 在劇中嘅意思就係: 「生存還是死亡,那就是一個問題。」

Hope this can help you!
參考: me
2016-06-24 5:42 pm
做還是不做. 那才是一個問題.
2008-08-29 2:38 am
Its good to see someone knows this line is from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Hamlet was in such a miserable states which he wanted to commit suicide but he hesitated. Thats why he said "To be, or not to be. So yes, it is - life or death.
2008-08-28 4:29 pm
2008-08-15 7:44 am
面對一個不知如何抉擇的情況。(You face a situation and not sure which way to go.)

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