關於 t foul

2008-08-15 2:54 am
如果兩邊一齊比 t

回答 (2)

2008-08-15 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
兩邊一齊Technical Foul, which happen in NBA alot. Usually involve two players in argument, or got mad at each other and result in some "not too serious" pushing.

since both team got a technical foul, the 罸球 will cancel each other. And the team who is holding the ball or has possession will start with an inbound play (start from sideline).
參考: myself
2008-08-15 3:12 am
應該唔會2隊都技犯掛,多數都係一隊犯規或者一隊唔服先同球證嘈,如果真係會兩邊一齊比 t,我諗就2隊射完罸球之後就係中場開波,姐係好似開波果陣咁。
參考: 自己意見

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