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樓主問「鐘意可唔可以姦左佢? 」
關於强姦子女信仰自由嘅問題,再睇吓Richard Dawkins寫嘅《The GOD Delusion 信上帝之謬誤》,Preface 前言,第1頁第一行第一字起:
As a child, my wife hated her school and wished she could leave. Years later, when she was in her twenties, she disclosed(表白) this unhappy fact to her parents, and her mother was aghast(大吃一驚): 「But darling, why didn’t you come to us and tell us?」 Her reply is my text for today: 「But I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD.」
I suspect -- well, I am sure -- that there are lots of people out there who have been brought up(自小養大) in some religion or other, ARE UNHAPPY in it, don’t believe it, or are worried about the evils that are done in it’s name(以宗教理由行惡); people who feel vague yearnings to LEAVE their parents religion(雖難,但極想離教) and wish they could, but just don’t realize that LEAVING is an option(離教有自主權). ...
Richard Dawkins 所提嘅 「But I didn’t know I could.」 (我點知我可以[唔喜歡/離開你哋信緊嘅一神教喎!]) 正擊中幾毒教內有心人(或父母)強姦子女信仰自由嘅紅心,相信有好多幾毒家長睇到呢度已經雞食放光蟲,心知肚明嘞!結果令到有一大羣「信教嘅子女」走入死胡同不能自拔!而另外一小撮陪太子讀書嘅「插班信徒(大人歸主)」更冒死入火坑,佢哋點肯脫離燈紅酒綠荒淫無度嘅生活方式吖?必落地獄!
Richard Dawkins喺《The GOD Delusion》書內已多次指出此等強姦信仰自由嘅行為(心靈虐待)比肉體虐兒更嚴重,我哋仲可唔可以側側身閃開,唔再正視呢個強姦罪行呢?