
2008-08-15 12:42 am
1,,Rome was built on seven hills.
2,,Rome usually made friends with the people it defeated.
3,,Rome taxed the people it conquered.{古羅馬壓迫果d古羅馬戰勝左的別國的人民??}


回答 (3)

2008-08-15 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 羅馬建在七小山上
2. 羅馬通常會向他打敗的人建立友好關係
3. 羅馬會向他征服的人徵收稅項
參考: 自己
2008-08-15 1:16 am
1,,Rome was built on seven hills.
2,,Rome usually made friends with the people it defeated.
3,,Rome taxed the people it conquered.{古羅馬壓迫果d古羅馬戰勝左的別國的人民??}
參考: me : ] (希望幫到你手啦!)
2008-08-15 1:02 am
1,,Rome was built on seven hills.


2,,Rome usually made friends with the people it defeated.


3,,Rome taxed the people it conquered.{古羅馬壓迫果d古羅馬戰勝左的別國的人民??}

hope can help u!^^
參考: yahoo

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