英文文法--fairy,quite,rather 的分別

2008-08-14 7:01 pm
fairy,quite,rather 的分別

回答 (1)

2008-08-15 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
從你比較呢幾個字, 我諗你講嘅 "fairy(仙女)" 其實係指 "fairly".
呢幾個字本身都有幾個意思, 但係你用fairly, quite及rather作比較, 所以我只講其中一個意思.
fairly = moderately = 適度地 = 廣東話嘅 "都算幾乜乜...."
eg1. that was a fairly heavy rain 果場雨都算幾大
eg2. David's results were fairly good 大偉嘅成績都算幾好
quite = to a considerable extent = 相當 / 頗 = 廣東話嘅 "好乜乜...."
eg1. Mary is quite pretty 瑪利好美麗
eg2. David's hands are quite small 大偉對手好細
rather = to a certain extent; somewhat = 稍微 / 有點 = 廣東話嘅 "有d乜乜...."
eg1. that problem was rather difficult果個問題有d難
eg2. David was rather upset大偉有d唔開心
呢3個字分別唔大, 但應用上各有意思嘅. 唔好搞錯.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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