
2008-08-14 7:37 am
(1) 想請問英國去以上哪個國家最平?
(2) 除Eurostar, 是否還有其它火車去法國? Eurostar在當地才買還是現在於網上買平, 或在學聯等買平?
(3)旅程盡量不走回頭路, 飛機來回又同一地點最平, 建議飛哪裡最化算? 我本來想先去英國的, 但好像不太順路?
(4) 買歐洲火車證去4天以上國家, 是否買二人selected passes五國低d? 到達歐洲才買火車證低d還是在港先於學聯買,還是上網買低d?
(5) 去瑞士小住1-2天, 邊處最靚?
(6) 買平價機票是否越接近出發日期越低? 因為我一天前問價, 今天再問已經平左幾百元?

回答 (4)

2008-08-14 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. England - France is the cheapest.
2. There are normal train beside Eurostar. Many travellers do not like Eurostar because it is expensive and nothing special. You can check the cost from the following web site. The cost is now Euro 60, but when it gets to Europe peak season - after August 10, at least 10 Euro more. Since you have not stated the date you are leaving, it is better for you to check the price directly.
For Student Travel Association, please check the following web site :
The price difference really depends on your timing and routing.
3. For the countries you want to travel, seems that either France (Paris) or Germany (Frankfurt) is most convenient in time and expenses on air ticket fare.
4. Please look at the following web site (also Student Travel Association) but mainly on Eurail pass. The reason that you have to choose your self is because you did not state your plan on the stay on each country. As you know if you stay only for a short time in one country it is better use that country's public transportation (such as Metro in Paris).
Please note England is not included in normal Eurail Pass, you have to buy a separate Britrail England Pass if your stay in England is long enough.
5. Both Luzern and Interlaken are most beautiful city in Switzerland. Luzern has the scenery plus the convenience, while Interlaken is really a place to relax and enjoy the Swiss life. If you only stay 1 or 2 days, then Luzern may be better because you can still enjoy the cable car to Pilatus - a mountain lower than Jungfrau but still the scene is gorgeous. And you can still enjoy the lake cruise that it often seen on the TV.
6. No, actually it should be more expensive. I think the only reason for being lower in price is because of special discount.
參考: Own experience
2010-04-25 4:34 am
did you know british cities are full of nasty religious extremist catholic and muslim islamic INDIAN -- study next to you and wanna to screw you around ?

scribd.com online doc site -- shortened URL >>

2008-08-16 6:30 pm
Multi ticket with AF/KLM or BA HKG-Paris//London-HKG from HK$ 7000 all in

Paris-Rome from HK$ 450 all in www.skyscanner.net

Koeln-London with Eurostar HK$ 800 .Munich-swiss from 39 euro

Zuerich-Basel. cross the border to germany from weil am rhein to any parts of germany by 2 from 49 euro . www.db.de
2008-08-14 8:28 pm

這個問題不易回答. 首先, 從英國出發最近的確是法國, 但卻不代表最便宜 !! 歐洲之星火車到巴黎最便宜是 59 英鎊, 短程航機大約是 30 - 50 英鎊左右. 但因為英國的廉價航空太多, 常常會有些特價優惠推出, 有時票價甚至低至 1 英鎊便可飛到其他歐洲國家... 因此這問題不可咬定答案的
從倫敦出發, 直達巴黎的火車就只有 "歐洲之星", 另無分號 !!! 如果需要坐其他火車, 反而更加轉折, 先從倫敦乘普通火車到海岸, 轉船, 再轉火車... 票價不見得比 "歐洲之星" 便宜... 歐洲之星的車票你可以上網購買, 這應是最便宜的方法, 當然可以找學聯代買, 售價是差不多的, 但需要付手續費.
如果不走回頭路, 英國一定不是好地方... 建議你從法蘭克福出發, 先遊德國, 轉入奧地利, 意大利, 瑞士, 法國, 英國, 最後從英國飛回法蘭克福. 你可以考慮乘搭漢莎航空, 首站法蘭克福, 回程倫敦 -- 法蘭克福 -- 香港. 這樣應該會節省一點
去這麼多地方只用 4 天火車證 ?? 不可能.... 5 國火車證是足夠的, 因為英國不在歐洲火車證之列. 但多少天則視乎你的具體行程而定. 如果你有 2 人同行, 當然是二人同時購買火車證較為便宜啦. 在歐洲大城市火車證雖然也可買到火車證, 但價錢貴 30%. 在香港經學聯購買比較化算, 因為火車證費用不低, 學聯只收 40 蚊手續費... 自己買又要承擔郵寄風險... 這 40 蚊手續費實在抵比...
瑞士小住 1 - 2 天, 如以小鎮風光來說, 肯定是琉森, 如果你的體力足夠應付, 第二天清早還可上少女峰... 如果還是喜歡城市的感覺, 日內瓦和洛桑也是不錯的選擇.
首先, 你兩天內所問的旅行社是否相同, 而他們給你的航空公司又是否相同 ??? 一般來說特價機票是會一早發售, 而不會最後一刻減價的. 而如果你 2 天內價錢有變化, 只有以下可能, 1: 航空公司不同, 2: 航空公司推出了特價票, 3: 之前有客人訂了較低票價的機票, 最後放棄. 機位便再次放出.
參考: Living in Paris for a year before + Personal travel experience

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