
2008-08-14 6:51 am

小弟近日看了一本書, 內文提及有關人壽保險的"每年投資回報率", 請各位賜教一下, 謝謝!

人壽額: HK$150,000
每月保費: HK$554.31
供款至65歲 (由現在起要供43年)
65歲時可取回 HK$596,741

這個3.07%, 我計來計去也換算不了, 請賜教一下, 多謝各位幫忙!!!

回答 (3)

2008-08-15 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
554.31/month= 6651.72/year
Assume this is the premium paid in the beginning of the year:
At the end of the first year, the amount will be 6856.12 if the annual rate of return is 3.07%.
Keep doing the same calculation in Excel, at the end of the 43rd year, the amount will be 596741.
You can obtain the annual rate of return by trial and error by changing its value many times. i.e. starting from 3%, and then 3.1%, and then 3.05% and so on.
Of course, it's a stupid method. An intrinsic function called "goal seeking", under "tools" pull down menu, is available in Excel. It will do the stupid job for us. If you want the Excel file, I can send it to you.
A financial calculator can also do the same. If you choose "payment at the end of the period", you may obtain a value other than but very close to 3.07%.
參考: Excel
2008-08-15 5:59 pm

2008-08-15 10:05:02 補充:
[email protected]
2008-08-14 6:53 am
ask yours agents la don't have to count

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