急需大量飛機上的英文生字 (20點)

2008-08-14 5:34 am


thank you!!!=]

回答 (5)

2008-08-14 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
空勤 = air service
起飛 = take off
着陸 = landing
地勤 = ground service
機場 = airport
管制室 = observation window
跑道 = runway / airstrip
停機坪 = apron
機長 = captain
空中少爺 = steward
空中小姐 = stewardess
全體機員 = flight crew
航空公司 = airline
登機門 = departure gate
下機門 = arrival gate
過境旅客 = transit passenger
客艙 = cabin
駕駛艙 = cockpit
檢疫 = quarantine
暈機 = air-sick
報到櫃台 = check-in counter
行李牌 = baggage tag
行李寄存單 = claim-tag
通關申報表 = customs declaration form
入境申請表 = disembarkation card
行李架 = over rack
閱讀燈 = reading light
服務鈴 = call button
跳傘 = parachute jump
氣流 = air current
2008-08-14 7:35 am
forbidden - 嚴禁
2008-08-14 6:53 am
機艙 = cabin
頭等客位 = first class
商務客位 = business class
經濟客位 = economy class
飛行員 or 機艙服務員 = cabin crew
行李 = luggage or baggage
行李輸送帶 = conveyor belt
機票 = air ticket (more ofter just "ticket")
地勤 = ground crew
服務台 = service counter (or check-in counter)
候機室 = airport lounge
離境廳 = departure hall
到達(???)廳 = arrival hall
過重行李 = excess baggage
准許的行李重量 = baggage allowance
救生衣 = life jacket
給BB用的籃 = bassinet (mostly in the front row of economy class)
2008-08-14 6:34 am
baggage claim onboard boarding pass check in confirmation
departures board domestic duty free excess baggage flight gate hand luggage
IATA immigration officer jet lag runway stopover ticket transit baggage boarding pass carry-on bag e-ticket shuttle terminal the gate the X-ray machine baggage claim check boarding pass boarding time body check
customs customs declaration customs officer departure lounge departure time
immigration counter passport personal effects security check time difference
time zones visa passenger pilot flight attendant cabin crew, stewards, air hosts/hostesses, or stewardessesseat belt In-flight safety oxygen mask
aircraft safety card In-flight entertainment bureau de change left luggaue luggage trolleys pay phones duty free toilets information desk emergency exit life rfts life vests airport lounge car hire cash dispensers evacuation slides
2008-08-14 5:44 am


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