all english pretty well people please come in

2008-08-14 5:09 am
要清楚,thank you very much,because very urgent *^*
最近因為有2個FASHION SHOW活動要籌備,有好多野要準備,要設計舞台,尚有2份SUMMER assignments要做,最近其實無咩時間

thank you><

回答 (4)

2008-08-14 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here is another translation for your consideration. Hope you will use it.:)

The school is organising an exchange student program, and is requesting all students who take design to go to Shanghai, to study at a local design school with local Shanghai students from september till december, and will come back to Hong Kong near Christmas.

At the time being, because of 2 fashion shows needed to be organised, a lot of things are needed to be prepared, including stage designing. Also there are 2 pieces of summer assignments needed to be done, there is not much time at the time being.
2016-03-03 8:29 am
wellcome 同not at all, 是一樣的意思?
2008-08-14 8:41 am
There is a student exchange activity, requesting all the 'Design' students to travel to Shanhai during September to December, to exchange informations and go to classes with the student there. All will return to Hong Kong in Christmas.

Because lately there are two Fashion Shows to be prepared, which require decorating performing stage and many other work, plus there are still two Summer assignments to be done, hence there are no freetime lately.
2008-08-14 5:18 am
here's an exchange students activity lately, which all of the students who are studying "Design" will have to go to Shang Hai from September to December, to meet students from Shang Hai to have lessons and communications. They will be comming back in Christmas.

最近因為有2個FASHION SHOW活動要籌備,有好多野要準備,要設計舞台,尚有2份SUMMER assignments要做,最近其實無咩時間
Because there are two Fashion Shows that have to be prepared lately, which will be a lot of work like designs and all that stuff, plus I still got two Holiday assignments to do, actually I might not be free.

2008-08-13 21:20:26 補充:
There's an exchange students activity lately, which all of the students who are studying "Design" will have to go to Shang Hai from September to December, to meet students from Shang Hai, have lessons together and communications between each other. They will be comming back in Christmas.
參考: Me...

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