
2008-08-14 1:45 am

回答 (2)

2008-08-19 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
The name ”人事部”seem to mean management of the personnel issues only which does not show the relationship to the business objective. The new name ”人力資源部" demonstrates the contribution of the department to the overall success of the company.

There are always objectives for a company or organization. For a company, the ultimate objective is to generate profit. For non-profit organization, there are other measurements of success or achievement. Anyway, in a more straight-forward and general case, let's assume that we are talking about a company whose objective is to generate profit.

In order to achieve the company objective, you have make good use of your resources (資源). Capital, asset, skills, knowledge and experience - all these are resources which can put together to work to achieve the company objective. Human capital which composes of the people skills, experience and knowledge is the human resources of the company. The 人力資源部 is thus named Human Resources Department to be responsible to manage the well-being of the staff to help the company to achieve its objective.
2008-08-14 2:34 am

2008-08-23 14:07:48 補充:
樓下人兄的解釋當然是合理的, 是一般教科書用的理論, 但名字的改變背後, 是對人的價值的改觀, 員工只是為了配合公司業務而聘請回來的"資源", 當不需要的時候, 資源變成"廢料"可以即時解僱, 從前人事部的命名, 是比較有人情味, 公司要改變了, 應如何如何安排老伙記的工作呢?人力資源部的方法很簡單- 解僱 !

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