
2008-08-13 9:36 pm
人民幣升值對中國有咩影響, (好與唔好)?

美國令人民幣升值 對佢地有咩好處?

人民幣升值, 中國咁多人民幣, 唔係可以買到多D 野, 唔係應該係好事?

回答 (2)

2008-08-16 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為中國係發展中國家, 相對外國咩都平包括人工, 原材料, 等等, 所以外國買中國野係多過中國人買外國野好多.

升值既意思, 只係相對外幣升值, 可以買到多D野, 亦只係代表可以買到多D外國既入口野, 但係你睇大陸人有幾可買入口野? 佢地大部份既消費都係買返國產野, 所以升值對佢地既整體購買力係無咩影響.

但係外國人想買中國野就貴D啦, 因為佢地要首先買左人民幣先買到中國野. 點解美國想令到自己買中國野貴D? 因為佢想保護自己本土經濟, 唔想貿易逆差 (入口 value - 出口 value) 咁大, 就好似香港人成日北上消費, 攪到香港 D 鋪頭生意大跌, 香港政府都要諗辦法令到大家留港消費啦.
2008-08-13 10:15 pm
It depends on the industry

The bad point is RMB升值 will make the export of China drop. RMB becomes more expensive in terms of USD. US will import less goods from China, which will affect the export of China. Some firms may earn less. Trade deficit will become less for USA.

航空 firm will benefit from it. They borrow a lot of money interms of USD. If RMB 升值, they can use less amount of RMB to pay the same amount of USD.
參考: my knowledge

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