english grammar

2008-08-13 6:09 pm
a.today is of great importance to us.

b. regular exercise is of great importance for health.

to us, for health

can we use the same prep ...like.. today is of great importance for us.

what is the difference between to us and for us????


回答 (2)

2008-08-13 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當然唔係如樓上所講:common sense。如果唔係英文有相當造詣,唔可以用所謂「覺得」、「認為」去估。
我引用 merriam-webster 網上字典(www.m-w.com)o既定義作解釋:
1 a—used as a function word to indicate purpose(目的)<a grant for studying medicine> b—used as a function word to indicate an intended goal(目標)<left for home><acted for the best>
呢兩個字義,就正正係 "of great importance for health" o既意思--運動對健康極重要。
7 a—used as a function word (1) to indicate the application of an adjective or a noun <agreeable to everyone><attitude to friends><title to the property>
of great importance to us 應用上,就似上例 attitude to friends,to 就係帶出 importance 係用於其後o既名詞。
2008-08-13 7:25 pm
it should be for us, no explaination,common sense

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