Back pain problem/背痛問題

2008-08-13 5:11 pm
可用中文或英文回答. You can give me the answer in English or chinese.Can you explain my situation in Chinese, what can i do? Do i need to take the operation(The doctor ask me to do it_ optional) What is the danger of the operation? If i don't take the operation, what will happen to me and what is the worst situation. if i don't take the operation, what should i do to recover or improve my body?
My MRI report:
Desiccation changes with posterior disc bulge is noted at L5/ S1 level. At this level, abnormal T2 signal is noted over the posterior margin of the annulus, suggestive of a tear of the annulus. No narrowing of the corresponding neural foramina or compression on the exiting L5 nerve can be seen. The rest intervertebral disc appear unremarkable. There is no paraspinal mass or fluid collection.

回答 (2)

2008-08-14 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
詳細資料和試食e-mail去[email protected]預約.
2008-08-13 5:24 pm
參考: 自己

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