
2008-08-13 6:12 pm




回答 (5)

2008-08-13 9:00 pm


"Thank you the message. My this year 34 years old, lives in Taibei.
The individuality exactly sends, likes reading. Once studied abroad in
Japan the very long time, therefore my Japanese was extremely fluent,
but was a pity very much English certainly did not excel. Perhaps
therefore if needs to use English to link up with you can have the

If you did not mind in the language the question, still wanted into
friend of mine, I extremely was also happy. Wishes you to have one day
參考: 奇摩迷你筆
2008-08-13 7:30 pm
Thank you for the message.

I am 34 and live in Taipei. I am lively and enjoy reading very much.

Having studied in Japan for quite a long time, I can speak Japanese fluently,

yet not as well in English. Thus it might be sort of difficult to communicate with you in English.

The pleasure will be mine if you still wish to be my friend , regardless of the language difficulty.

Have a nice day.
2008-08-13 6:55 pm
Thanks for leaving me Message.
I'm 34 years old living in Taipei. And I'm a outgoing person. I love reading a lot.
I'd been to Japan for a long time. So , I good at Japanese but not so in English.
if we have to talking in English that would be tough.
But if you dont mind about it and willing to be my friends I'll be happy!
Have good day then.
參考: by myself
2008-08-13 6:34 pm
"Thank you the message. My this year 34 years old, lives in Taibei.
The individuality exactly sends, likes reading. Once studied abroad in
Japan the very long time, therefore my Japanese was extremely fluent,
but was a pity very much English certainly did not excel. Perhaps
therefore if needs to use English to link up with you can have the

If your did not mind in the language the question, still wanted into
friend of mine, I extremely was also happy. Wishes you to have one day

Grammar please as far as possible simple, does not need too complex,
the rhetoric does not have too to be abstruse. Requests earnestly
English master to help.
參考: 自己(學過英文)
2008-08-13 6:30 pm
Thank you for your response.
I am 34 years old, and live in Taipei. I am enthusiastic, and I enjoy reading very much. I studied in Japan before, so my Japanese is very fluent, but my English is poor. There may be problems if we have to communicate in English.
If you don't mind my poor English, and are willing to be my friend, it you be so nice of you.
Wish you a nice day.


2008-08-13 10:37:46 補充:
I have studied in Japan這邊應該是這樣

2008-08-13 10:39:45 補充:
it would be so nice of you

2008-08-13 10:40:02 補充:
thanks for picking this out
參考: 金頭腦

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