formula - volume of a tetrahedron????

2008-08-12 10:21 am
what is the formula to work out the volume of a tetrahedron with equilateral triangles?


回答 (2)

2008-08-12 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Area of an equilateral triangle = (√3/4)a²

Area of the base: (√3/4)a²

Volume of a pyramid: (1/3) × Area of base × height

Height = ?

Note that the vertex at the top, one corner at the triangle at the base and the circumcentre form a right angled triangle.

The hypotenuse is 'a'
The base is a/√3
The height will be √(2/3)a

The volume will be
V = (1/3) × Area of base × height
= (1/3) × √3a²/4 × a√(2/3)
= a³/(6√2)

If a=8.6cm
V = 8.6³/(6√2) ≈ 74.96cm³
2008-08-12 10:27 am
Vol of a tthn is (1/3) base(height).
2016-10-01 12:46 am
Volume Of A Tetrahedron
2016-04-02 8:10 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

The formula for the volume of a tetrahedron is V = (√2/12)/a³, where a is the edge length. This can be derived from the more general formula for the volume of a cone, V = (1/3)Ah, having a base with area A and height h.
2008-08-12 10:25 am

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