電腦出現藍色背景白色字 20分

2008-08-13 4:44 am
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart you computer
If this screen appears again ,follow these steps:
Check to be sure you have dequate disk sapce.If a driver is identified in the
stop message,disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver
update.Try chaning video a dapters.
Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates.
Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
If you need yo use safe mode to remove or disable components.restart you
computer ,pressF8 to select Advanced Stapup Options and then select safe

***STOP:0x0000008E (0xc0000005,0x805Aoc54,0xF7BF3BE0,0X00000000)

Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete
contact your system administrator or technical
support group for further assistance

我吾識睇咁多英文 又吾知佢想點
求求你地幫下我 我1日出現呢d畫面10幾次嫁

回答 (3)

2008-08-13 2:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
***STOP:0x0000008E (0xc0000005,0x805Aoc54,0xF7BF3BE0,0X00000000)

Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete
憑以上字句多是RAM的問題, 先將所有RAM拔出用擦膠擦金手指來排除氧化引起的接觸不良.
設若仍有問題就要更換才可解決!!! 若你有一條RAM以上就要逐條單獨行機去找出是那一條損壞引發出藍畫面...
2008-08-20 5:57 pm

for example 呀 有玩開heatproject 的 如果你係雙核機黎bug槍(用re or
dae (有時)) 1scan 就會係咁
1係就係你有d程式唔支援你部機呀 你睇下用緊咩program 時會出現藍畫面呀
2008-08-13 5:24 am

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