
2008-08-13 2:15 am
大家好, 本人第一次學做麵粉花, 但Miss 卻要我們幫她買材料, 最恐怖是我們全course fee is about HK$450 (工X會, 佐敦), 但我們只上了兩堂, 她已經要我們買了HK$1,xxx 麵粉花材料 (只是第一個花的部分材料, 她說還有其他麵粉花材料for 第一個花)....我們還有其餘三個花要做, 她是一個超級吸血鬼, she only spends 15 mins to teach us, and then she uses 30 mins to sell her materials, and then we can early leave about 30 mins....

so PLEASE HELP!! 請問哪裡買麵粉花材料最平???

Thanks a lot!

hi. 小虎豬 Thanks for your reply! but could u pls give me the contact website / tel no to me ? thanks a lot!


Hi, Shirleyks thanks for ur information too! yes, i didnt know the material costs before i took this course, but i can gave u the following information for references.


Item Cost from 工x會 Cost from other web shop Designer 黏土 $70 $45 - 65 (depends on how many packs) Excellent 黏土 $78 $45 - 65 (depends on how many packs)


Item Cost from 工x會 Cost from other web shop Strewberry Leaf mold $ 70 $16 - 20 (also four for each set) ....etc.....

回答 (3)

2008-08-16 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
學麵粉花的開頭一定要買好多工具及材料, 日本樹脂黏土本身價錢是比較貴, 你係工x會, 可能無唸過要比咁多$$

可以去深水埗德祥, 那裡有好多樹脂的工具及材料, 價錢都算公價, 佢地仲會做批發, 地鐵站出, 向太子方行, 有好大個招牌, 好容易找到
2016-08-21 1:23 pm
2008-08-13 11:55 pm
你可以上網買, 我都有學麵粉花我第一次就係上網買架喇~~之後重係果度學埋添...

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