舊款計算機CASIO fx50F有什麼優點?

2008-08-13 2:10 am
CASIO fx50F 功能又差,又沒有公式 / 程式,又沒有雙行,又不能打全條數式... 為何很多學生喜歡用fx50F?

CASIO fx-3650p功能又好,又可以編程,又有雙行,又能打全條數式,為何CASIO fx50F的價錢比實用的fx-3650p還要貴??

回答 (2)

2008-08-14 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know too much about scientific calculators. But I can suggest a possible reason.
There have been reports that the fx-50FH can be hacked and modified into an fx-991ES, a model banned for open exam use. Since the 50FH and 991ES share a same external body design, alleged cheaters can exploit this loophole, to swap the internals of these models to result in an fx-991ES in fx-50FH's skin. This issue has since been addressed, and that all later batch fx-50FH models have anti-hack measures incorporated inside. Meanwhile, the fx-991ES model has since been replaced by the newer fx-991ES Plus, which uses a completely new body shell.
However, some candicates have complained that their legitiimate fx-50FH models have been seized after the exams by the authorities, pending further testing. This has caused a lot of inconvenience to many candidates, claming that they pay more in transport costs (than the cost of their calculators) just to reclaim their calculators from the authority's offices.
There have been controvercies over the use and approval of scientific calculators with dot matrix displays over these years. And although the fx-3650P (with single-tier dot matrix display) has been thoroughly tested against hacking (ie. unrestricted alphabet input) and is allowed for open exam use, some students may fear that this model may still be once again banned in the future, and as a result, refuse to switch to the faster, better, dot-matrix display models.
The fx-50f, being an older model, has no dot matrix display, is easy to operate (among experienced users IMO), and is completely hack-proof. Maybe that's why many students still prefer this model just to avoid any trouble during open exams (eg. post-exam seizure of all suspected calculators, as mentioned above).
Since there is still demand for the discontinued fx-50f, some vendors may decide to increase the price of it. Maybe that's why an fx-50f still costs more than any fx-3650P (although I'm not 100% sure).

2008-08-13 21:04:03 補充:
For more information on scientific calculators, check these links below:
2008-08-13 3:28 am


CASIO fx-50FH(會考准用計算機)及CASIO fx-50F PLUS是一部程式計算機(Programmable calculator),程式功能較完整,程式空間大小為680 位元,除了無條件轉移指令外,還有結構控制指令(Control structure command)能夠編寫出一些較複雜的程式 。fx-50FH的程式與fx-3650P亦很相似,只要略作修改就可以在fx-50FH及fx-50F PLUS使用,這裡收集一些程式,一些中學會考/高考常用及實用的程式,希望可以幫助大家應付考試。此外,亦希望大家可以透過參考別人所寫的程式,互相學習及提高對編寫程式的興趣。
最新消息CASIO fx-50FH以獲香港考評局接納為准用計算機,可以在2008年或以後中學會考及高級程度會考中使用,並且CASIO fx-50FH已正式推出市場,售價約$178。fx-50FH與fx-50F PLUS功能及用法相同,唯一分別是fx-50FH刪除了顯示內置公式功能(LOOK)。
fx-3650P / fx-3950P
Casio fx-3650P 和 fx-3950P 為 Casio 於 2002 年年末推出的新款計數機。它們的功
能可以說是完全相同,唯一的分別是 fx-3650P 擁有太陽能電源。
這兩款計數機是使用「SVPAM」輸入法。如果看見書本上的式子如「 5 1
那麼就直接輸入「√5 + 1」,而不是舊式計數機不明不白的「5 √ + 1」。
統計及回歸運算 (會考、高考適用)
定微/積分運算 (會考、高考適用)
複數運算 (高考適用)
此外,這兩部計數機還提供四組共 360 位元組的程
二次、三次和四次方程 (支援複數根)
分半法及牛頓法 (會考、高考適用)
二項式定理 (會考、高考適用)
Heron’s Formula (會考適用)
矩陣及向量運算 (高考適用)
統計分佈 (高考適用)
微分方程 (ODE) (高考適用)
Gamma 函數、黎曼 Zeta 函數、Lambert W 函數、完全橢圓積分、Airy 函數…
總而言之,fx-3650P 和 fx-3950P 的功能是以往的計數機無可比擬的!

Page 2

-50F 更好…
目前 Casio 有生產且能在香港的公開考試中使用的計數機就只有 fx-50F 和
fx-3650P / fx-3950P 兩種。然而 fx-50F 已是 17 年前的產物,實在是 Outdated。一
直以來,fx-50F 的垢病便是:
慢:fx-50F 的計算速度比 fx-3650P / fx-3950P 慢 10%至 240%。
鎖機:fx-50F 有一個 Bug,它能使計數機無法操作達至少六分鐘之久。
fx-50F 雖然有 23 個內置程式,但除首五條外其它都可說時「廢」的,而且利用
程式 fx-3650P / fx-3950P 都可做到同樣的功能。長遠來說,若你有 fx-50F 的話就

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 \ )--.    I am flying! 
, \/  '

參考: 天之心

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