
2008-08-13 12:14 am


旺角 嘉禾大廈五級火警中殉職的消防員陳兆龍及消防隊目蕭永方,將分別於下月5日及11日舉殯。

消防處 將為2人舉行最高榮譽喪禮,而消防處職工總會將為2人的家屬籌款,協助減輕他們的經濟困境

回答 (4)

2008-08-13 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
= = = = = = = = = = =
The funerals of fireman Chan Siu-lung and senior fireman Siu Wing-fong, who died in the alarm No 5 fire at Cornwall Court in Mong Kok, will take place on 5th and 11th next month respectively
The Fire Department will hold the funerals with full honours, while the Hong Kong Fire Services Department Staffs General Association will raise funds for the families of the two firemen to help relieve their financial burdens.
2008-08-13 7:20 am
In the Kuangjiao Jiahe building five levels of fire-alarms dies in the
line of duty fire fighter Chen Chaolung and fire brigade item Xiao
Yongfang, separately to under month on 5th and on 11th to carry a coffin to a burial place.

The fire-fighting division will be 2 people holds the highest honor
mourning ritual, but the fire-fighting division staff general meeting
will be 2 person of family members raises funds, assists to reduce
their economical difficult position
2008-08-13 2:00 am
In the Kuangjiao Jiahe big five fire-alarms dies for the fire
trillion and fire item forever the side, will divide
to the under month on 5th and on 11th .

Fire 2 person of lines most Gao?? , but the fire
labor 2 person of families funds, help
hedifficult position
參考: meme
2008-08-13 12:27 am
In the Kuangjiao Jiahe building five levels of fire-alarms dies in the
line of duty fire fighter Chen Chaolung and fire brigade item Xiao
Yongfang, separately to under month on 5th and on 11th
The fire-fighting division will be 2 people holds the highest honor
mourning ritual, but the fire-fighting division staff general meeting
will be 2 person of family members raises funds, assists to reduce
their economical difficult position
參考: yahoo

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