請幫我睇睇d grammar 有無錯呀!~ ^^ thank you!~

2008-08-12 10:17 pm
請幫我睇睇d grammar 有無錯呀!~ ^^ thank you!~

I am thankful to you for granting me a chance to gain a lot of working experience from your company, and grateful for all you have taught me and taken care for me.

I have attached some photos for you.

,and grateful for your kindly teaching and taking care of me during this period. 咁又得唔得!

回答 (6)

2008-08-21 2:26 am

相片真係唔係淨係SHARE/ENJOY架喎, 既然你根本唔知道個CASE既背景, 又憑咩話一定唔係圖則或者資料性文件? 就相片呢個位, 我唔能夠認同你完全既假設! 如果係假設既, 我一樣可以諗好多樣野係適合其他字句例如002既FOR YOUR REFERENCE, 例如之前佢個BOSS叫佢幫手搵一D資料呢? 或者離職交低一D同業務有關既相片呢?

如果大家都唔知既話, 我寧願好似002咁事先聲明個假設情況
2008-08-19 5:01 pm
Thank you so much!
2008-08-12 11:34 pm
I am thankful to you for giving me a chance to gain a lot of working experience from your company, and grateful to all of you for teaching and taking care of me.

Some photos are attached for your sharing.

[1] giving 比起 granting較好, 因為 grant 特別用於 grant a loan 貸款/ proposal 建議書/ sick leave 病假/ maternity leave 產假... (尤指政府批出貸款, 或者醫生發出病假等情況先用grant)

[2] grateful to 後面係用人 而 grateful for 後面係用一個原因/ 一件事/ 一個動作 (即係 noun/ noun phrase/ gerund)
e.g. grateful to all of you for teaching me

[3] 要附合句子的用法, 正如[2]所解釋, grateful ... for 後面係用gerund, 所以變成 grateful to all of you for teaching and taking care of me. 。

[4] 附上相片係俾人欣賞 sharing (分享)。


2008-08-17 12:16:51 補充:

你好! 我想俾少少意見!

1) take care 絕對可以指事情, 但一定唔可以無左of字, 這是指定用法 (of字唔連落me到, 就會去左all 到, 句子就變得有點唔通順)

... grateful for all you have taught me and taken care (OF) for me. (= I am grateful that you have taken care of all the things for me)

你親自查下D大本有例句的字典, 就知我講o既係正確 (你可以去書局睇下)。

2008-08-17 12:31:19 補充:
2) 你另一句的建議, 如果kindly (adverb) 改為kind (adjective) 係OKo既! 因為teaching 係名詞, 係需要adjective 去修飾佢。

... grateful for your kind teaching and taking care of me during this period.

3) 希望你參考完投票結果, 都會自己投一票或者自選答案, 切勿做一個「被動」的發問者, 將決定權完全放在別人的手上。

4) 希望你能選到一個真正「正確」的答案!

2008-08-17 16:23:18 補充:
5) take care of me 已經包含 take care of for me 的意思,

正如中文的意思, 「他照顧你」當然包括「他照顧你身邊的事物」

但take care of 無左for me 就不包含take care of me,

記住: take care of for me 之中me先係重點,

of 只係details

2008-08-17 16:38:20 補充:

記住: take care of SOMETHING for me 之中me先係重點,

of 只係details

6) 相片用途如果不一定適合用 share / enjoy, 還有什麼用途呢?

2008-08-17 16:39:38 補充:
of SOMETHING 只係details

2008-08-17 16:44:12 補充:

5) take care of me 已經包含 take care of SOMETHING for me 的意思,

2008-08-18 01:14:40 補充:
補充 6) 對於你結尾的一句 "I have attached some photos for you."

a) 用for your reference (email經常用到, 點會唔知!): 此用法一般指在email附上文件或圖片等作公事上用途, 意思係「以供參考」,但係點解我唔選擇用呢? 因為憑你的email黎睇, 你要多謝佢教導和照顧你的人,應該係你老闆或者上司, 你俾佢的照片相信係在一D公司活動或聚會(可能係你歡送會之類)的合照, 所以你的例子不可以當作一般公事email/信函禁處理, 

2008-08-18 01:39:23 補充:
用sharing就會o黎得親切D, 亦不失禮貌, 而用for your reference 就太「見外」啦,亦不合用。普通的相片又如何用作「參考」? (又唔係圖則或資料性的文件!)

b) 如果保留你原句"I have attached some photos for you." , 會覺得有點「冷漠/掘/不夠禮貌/太硬」, 所以不宜這樣寫俾老闆或者上司。 用sharing希望感覺會soft返D。 

2008-08-18 01:39:35 補充:
補充2) 我話你建議的那句說話只是0K, 原因係你將一句最重要的部份删去。全句的精髓係grateful TO YOU,因為你最主要係多謝對方,而teaching me and taking care of me只係你要多謝佢的原因(details), 即是只係「配菜」。這樣表逹,全句的氣勢都弱左!

2008-08-18 18:27:56 補充:
雖然你最後可能都唔會選擇我的答案 (我並控制唔到), 但我一定會爭取每一個機會去完全解釋我的想法, 希望令你想信, 我係認真處理每一條我作答的題目, 而唔會將事情講得「無寧兩可」。

2008-08-20 21:56:55 補充:
回應 〈今日2008-08-20建檔, 沒有任何回答或者發問記錄, 唔知係咪001定係佢D friend 的〉annapoon207

2008-08-12 11:26 pm
Hello, some suggestions as below:

「I am thankful to you for giving me a chance to gain a lot of working experience from your company, and appreciate for all you have taught me and take care to me during the period.

I have attached some photos for you, enjoy it. 」

Thank you.

(** 修改後, 以上段落朗讀時亦不會太撓口了。)

2008-08-12 10:37 pm
你最好查清楚應該係take care "for" me定係take care "of" me. (第一段最後)
本人認為應該係take care of somebody.
參考: me
2008-08-12 10:18 pm
nothing wrong
參考: me

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