
2008-08-12 9:35 pm
只见一个彪悍健壮的大汉,用手狠狠地抓着一把把糖果,朝地下撒来.这时,我们一个个恨不得自己是孙悟空,能够眼观四方,耳听八路,都十分想抢多一点的糖果,抢多一点的喜气……过了几分钟,又开始抢馒头了,我盯准一个馒头像一只灵巧的兔子扑了上去,接了过来,高兴极了,这时我又盯准一个馒头,刚准备跳过去抢,却被一个小男孩绊倒了,搞得我浑身是泥,活像一只丑小鸭,弄得我哭笑不得,真想在地上找条缝钻进去.真想找那个小男孩算帐,转念一想,今天是个喜庆的日子,何必斤斤计较呢 想到这里,心中的怒气才减了大半.

回答 (2)

2008-08-12 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Summer vacation amusing thing at the beginning of August, I had the
extremely happy feelings to arrive have lived in the countryside
maternal family The maternal family lives in a hamlet, inside has
more than 20 household others, some living in a fine building, some
actually also live in the low one-story house Just arrived the
maternal family not two days, I heard was building the new building in
front of husband's family's home Huang Dingding, moreover tomorrow
must put up the main beam I listened to be extremely excited, listen
to the grandmother to say the house put up the main beam is extremely
lively, this day night, I tossed and turned, can not sleep. Second just
the dawn, the cockerel only then called daily, I then early got out of
bed, careless put on clothes, vigorously ran toward Huang Dingding, as
soon as arrived her home, but also has not come to a stop, then
discovered the entrance had many people to have open great, reached
slightly sensitive, the week was healthy... ... Very lively Only
listens to pop pop two firecrackers sounds, makes noise the crowd is
peaceful immediately down, is meeting, in the continuously
firecrackers sound, then started to put up the main beam Only sees
group of workers pushes hits, then transported a greatly thick wood on
the roof The firecrackers sound just crossed, then started the next
interesting program to snatch the candy, snatched the steamed bun,
snatched the happy expression .

2008-08-12 13:54:06 補充:
Only sees a valiant vigorous and healthy guy, maliciously grabs with
the hand the candy, faces underground scatters By now, we one all
wished one could oneself were Sun Wukong,

2008-08-12 13:55:08 補充:
could the eye view four
directions, the ear listen to the Chinese red army soldier, all
extremely wanted to snatch more than 1 candies, snatched more than 1
happy expression... ... Crossed several minutes, also started to
snatch the steamed bun,

2008-08-12 13:56:45 補充:
just prepared to jump snatches, actually tripped by
a young boy, did my whole body was the putty, made I did not know whether to laugh or cry, really wanted
to look for the strip seam on the place to sneak in Really wants to
ask that young boy to do accounts,

2008-08-12 13:57:01 補充:
changes mind as soon as thought
that, today is the jubilation day, why is calculating thinks of here,
in the heart anger only then reduced most After a while, we one all
are carrying own bulging spoils of war, happily went back 完
2008-08-12 9:42 pm
你為何唔自己做呢?但你要我譯成英文都得,but你打的是簡體字,我唔識睇GA, so sorry幫你唔到啊!
參考: 自己

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