麻煩可否幫我翻譯成英文呀? (有關coupon的使用細則)

2008-08-12 8:34 pm
· 優惠券須在有效期前使用
· 不可兌換現金
· 截止日期後作廢
· 本公司有權保留優惠細則最終決定權, 並不作另行通知


***** 唔該晒!! *****

回答 (6)

2008-08-13 8:52 pm
May transfer other people to use
-the coupon to have after effectiveahead of time to use
-not the exchangeable cash
-closing date to become invalid
-this company to be authorized to the retention
preferential benefit regulation final decision-making power, certainly
does not give the separate notice

Availability date
closing date
person in charge
參考: me
2008-08-12 11:37 pm
May transfer other people to use
-the coupon to have after effectiveahead of time to use
-not the exchangeable cash
-closing date to become invalid
-this company to be authorized to the retention
preferential benefit regulation final decision-making power, certainly
does not give the separate notice

Availability date
closing date
person in charge
2008-08-12 10:35 pm
可轉讓其他人使用 = Transferable
優惠券須在有效期前使用 = Coubon to be used before expiration.
不可兌換現金 = Cashing is not permitted
截止日期後作廢 = Void after expiration.
本公司有權保留優惠細則最終決定權, 並不作另行通知 = Issuer has the right for final decision of all regulations and will not notified individually.
有效日期 = Available date
截止日期 = Expire date
負責人 = Person in charge (一般簡寫 PIC)
參考: self
2008-08-12 10:03 pm
可轉讓其他人使用 This coupon is transferable.

· 優惠券須在有效期前使用 (對不起,唔明同下兩句「截止日期後作廢」有何分別...或者用 This coupon valid till the dated marked.)

· 不可兌換現金No exchange for cash.

· 截止日期後作廢. This coupon will be expired after the date marked

· 本公司有權保留優惠細則最終決定權, 並不作另行通知 XXX Company Ltd. reserves the rights of exercing the terms of this coupon. Any change of terms can be made without piror notice.

有效日期 (Valid till dd-mm-yyyy)
截止日期 (Expired on dd-mm-yyyy)

負責人 (係咪指派coupon果個人要簽番名?如是,可用Issued by: XXX)
2008-08-12 9:33 pm
May transfer other people to use
-the coupon to have after effectiveahead of time to use
-not the exchangeable cash
-closing date to become invalid
-this company to be authorized to the retention
preferential benefit regulation final decision-making power, certainly
does not give the separate notice

Availability date
closing date
person in charge
參考: hope help you.
2008-08-12 9:12 pm
This coupon is exchangeable/transferrable

- Coupon must been redeem before the expiration date listed
- No cash value, coupon cannot be exchanged for cash.
- Void after expired
- Change without notice. Our company holds the final discretion for use of coupon.

有效日期 - ie. Valid until December 31, 2008; Valid from September 1, 1008 to October 31, 2008
截止日期 - ie. Expiry date; Expire on December 31, 2008
負責人 - Handler / Dealer
參考: me

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