
2008-08-12 8:07 pm

你好,我叫 XXX,今年XX歲。我現在在一間會計顧問公司裡擔任會計文員,在這間公司已經工作了兩年多,現在我的主要工作是與客人聯絡。還有每天都要跟進銀行事務、安排他們每年的會計報告、一點船務工作,現在我跟進的客人裡,全部都是韓國客戶,他們的公司大部分在中國, 部份是在韓國 , 在這份工作之前,我在一間公司擔任文員2年多,所以對辦公室的運作也非常了解。很幸運,很快就已經找到現在的工作。很開心,在這兩年多學到很多東西。也發現原來自己對會計是非常有興趣的。也是為了這個興趣,晚上,我在一些學校修讀會計課程。希望能在這個課程了認識更多相關的知識來協助我日後的工作,能讓我有更好的發展,所以希望有機會和貴公司合作,我非常高興可以參與這第二次面試,謝謝。

回答 (2)

2008-08-14 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning. I am xxx. I am xx years old. I have been working as an Accounting Clerk in an Accouting firm for 2 years. My major responsibility is to maintain contacts with clients. Most of my clients are Koreans with companies in China or Korea. Prior to this, I worked as a Clerk for 2 years and therefore I am very familiar with office operation.

With my good skills and attitude, I found the current job quickly after leaving the first job. I am happy with the current job as it gives me a lot of learning opportunities and helps me to discover my interest in Accounting. I also study Accounting courses to further develop my skills and career in Accounting.

I would very much like to join your company and appreciate very much for this second interview. Thank you.

2008-08-13 22:17:20 補充:
Missed one sentence and supplement it here:
My major responsibility is to maintain contacts with clients. I have to help clients to follow up banking matters daily and support them in the annual financial report preparation and some shipping arrangement.
2008-08-12 8:19 pm
Hello, my name is XXX, this year is XX year old. I in the Consultant firm am accountant now in an accountant the officer, had already worked in this company for more than two years, now my prime task is contacts with the visitor. Also has must follow up every day the banking, to arrange their every year's accounting report, a shipping work, now I follow up in the visitor, is the South Korean customer completely, their company majority in China, the part is in South Korea, before this work, I hold the post of the officer more than 2 years between a company, therefore also understood to the office operation. Very lucky, very quick already found present's work. Very happy, learns many things in these more than two years. Also discovered that original are has the interest to accountant. Also for this interest, evening, I studies accountant in some schools the curriculum. The hope can be more in this curriculum understanding the related knowledge to assist my in the future work, could let me have a better development, therefore hoped that had the opportunity and your firm cooperation, I very happy might participate in this second interview, thanked.

I hope I can help you~ ^^

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