
2008-08-12 8:00 pm

回答 (7)

2008-08-13 6:15 am
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Do trust yourself whatever you do anything and you will be successful. Everything comes true since fairy tales exist in the world and magic is created by yourself.


仲有,譯嘢唔係話逐字譯,逐句譯,之前嗰位寫"Anything can be success as long as you believe in yourself",雖然係漏左個a,不過佢寫"as long as"係啱,你睇真啦,人地將次序轉左,佢譯文講左成功嗰句先,所以係冇錯。
照你咁講,你應該譯得好挑剔,又唔係喎,你話"nothing is impossible",咁就錯啦如果係用你嗰套,人地話「凡事都有可能」,你就話「沒有事是不可能」,係唔係先,仲有,"miracles"喺邊呀,你變出嚟?
最後,你話"... you have to create your own magic",原文係話「魔法係自己創造的」,唔係「創造自己的魔法」。
2008-08-24 11:07 am

Whatever you do you should have confidence that you are doing it right, or else you will never succeed. Everything has a possibility. This world does have fairy tales, while magic can only be created by yourself !
2008-08-13 7:05 am
Confident is the key to success, possibilities do exist. Athough fairy tale is always there, but the magic is in our own hands...

本人認為如果每個字都譯出來好像有點兒太formal, 表達到意思就好了^^


2008-08-19 08:51:47 補充:
**use " in your hands" instead of "in our own hands"

2008-08-13 12:15 am

You must have self-confidence in yourself for doing anything so as to make a success. Everything turns out to be possible. Possibility of a fairy tale does exist in the world provided that the magic is created by your own......

2008-08-12 17:01:37 補充:
我估發問者所指" 世界上係有童話的一面", 是用"有可能"與"冇可能"作兩面之比喻( 即possible and impossible 作為引申凡事都有可能這句之延續), 所以我用 possibility of a fairy tale does exist in the world 去意譯這句子之肯定性!

也請 hkwaddle 博士賜教這譯法可行嗎? 謝謝!
2008-08-12 9:47 pm
You must believe in yourself in order to succeed in anything. Nothing is impossible. Miracles do happen, and you have to create your own magic.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
二樓o既同學,唔好只講人,你都有文法錯誤。"Anything can be success" 一句,一係就講 ... can be a success,一係就 ... can be successful。
而且原句話「這樣才能成功」,as long as 係「只要」,冇左「才能」o既「必須」意味。
三樓用 your good self 係好老式o既商業書信用語,解「閣下」,唔適合呢句o既 context。
2008-08-12 8:38 pm
Nothing is impossible as long as you have good faith on yourself. Fairy tale is a thing, magic & miracle are create by your good self.
參考: self
2008-08-12 8:16 pm
Anything can be success as long as you believe in yourself; anything is possible. Fairy tale exists in the world and magic is created by yourself.

2008-08-12 12:44:41 補充:
下面嘅朋友文法有錯,"are create"已經係錯,因為呢個係被動語態,應該係"are created"。
同埋"your good self",我唔係好明。

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