i have workin environment problem, plz help

2008-08-12 11:12 am
i just start to be an office lady after graduation however, i face some problems in my work. my boss seem hate me. i can feel that he always disgree with me. For example, today, she said knowledge is not equal ability as i think there is just i am the university student. he never say some thing encoragement word to me while he is always encourage and help that new workmate always. i thought there are lots of reasons: my bad performance, my nervous personality, my friend's sister's friend is his manager, or the supervisor of the new workmate seems doesn't like me. However, i can't find the reason and i feel so nervous as he is not nice to me as the first day. Is there anyone can help me or just give some suggestion for me? Ireally need help. it make so disappoint as it is the secong week of my work.

回答 (1)

2008-08-12 12:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't be so sensitive, this is only the second week of your job, you judge them a bit too early. Give yourself some more time to digest the work and the people around you.
I can feel there is gossip around at your work!!!???
Who interview for the job? Your boss or someone else??

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