non-jupas asso升degree一問?

2008-08-12 8:31 am
希望讀過asso或經non-jupas入u嘅人幫下我, thx~

第1年alevel 炒左科AL
ue: e
AL1: C
AS 1:F

第二年RETAKE番兩科AL, 再加多另一科AS
AL1 :C
AL2 : E
AS2 : F

咁RETAKE完, 啲分唔夠高, 依家讀ASSO

ps. 我ce成績唔理想


1. 好似我咁冇full cert, asso year1即使gpa >3係咪好大機會冇得interview?就算有得去in都唔收?

2. 咁我讀到asso year2時, 冇full cert係咪都會冇乜機會去interview? 特別係 hku, cu同poly

3. 如果黎緊alevel, re full cert對non-jupas入u有冇明顯嘅幫助? 我擔心會影響gpa, 到時就兩頭唔到岸 = =

4. 我u.e. 個grade唔高, 咁我retake u.e. 一科定係去考ILETS, 先會增加我non-jupas入u嘅機會?

5. 如果想經non-jupas入hku, cu同poly有冇咩特別條件會易入啲

回答 (2)

2008-08-14 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
You haven't told us if you are science or arts students and what are you studying in Asso Yr 1.

Since you are only Asso Yr 1 student now, you can apply via Jupas in 2009 using combined AL cert. For example, you might be eligible for applying Computer Science CU, HKU , Pure science like Chem, Biology of UST provided you are a science student. May be you can be admitted via Jupas in 2009 and there is not need to spend extra time in retake AL again. If you want to take BBA, Hotel Management etc, you have to get CGPA >3.8 in Yr 1 and not less than 3.7 CGPA in Yr 2 in order to apply via Non-Jupas.

The chance for Asso Yr 1 go to UGC funded U via Non-Jupas are very limited and difficult. Unless you have CGPA 4 or above and full AL cert and good CE results >20 outstanding interview preformance. Better work hard in Asso and you can have more chances. Don't waste time in retaking AL any more.

Every road can go to Rome. It's a matter of time. Don't give up ah.
2008-08-12 6:09 pm
AD 第一年GPA要好高才有得in
我覺得你最重要是把第二年的asso讀好,GPA 有3.5才有機入HKU
non-jupas 睇GPA成績,你再考AL未必取得更佳成績,反而影響AD成績,兩頭唔到岸
我個friendAL中英加geog同 econ合格,搏命讀,AD2俾佢攞到GPA3.7 ,港大和中大social year2都收佢,結果讀左中大,當初話死都要入港大後來發覺科目唔啱。


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