Statistics question...HELP!!!

2008-08-11 11:15 pm
Ex.40) Suppose the entering freshmen at a certain college have mean combined SAT Scores of 1222, with a SD of 83. In the first semester these students attained a mean GPA of 2.66, with a citation to be reasonably linear, and the correlation between SAT score and GPA was 0.47.
42. Based on the statistics for college freshmen given in Ex40, what SAT score might be expected among freshmen who attained a first-semester GPA of 3.0.

please show me the steps!!!

回答 (2)

2008-08-12 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
This problem involves establishing a relationship between b (the regression coefficient) and r (the correlation coefficient).
If we did, we could write S=bG+a, where S is the SAT score and G is the GPA, b is the regression coefficient (to be determined from the given information) and r which is given.
I think, in order to compute b, we need to know the standard deviations of both SAT scores and the GPA. We don't have the standard deviation of the GPA.
I do not remember the exact relationship but I'm sure it involves both standard deviations.
2008-08-12 6:21 am
560.59885 so round it to 560.60 wow that made me think hew!

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