what breaks caffine addiction?

2008-08-11 10:27 pm
im addicted to soda, or caffine... (i woke up the other day at 8am, and by 9 i almost passed out because i hadnt had a soda) so i realize this has gotten a little crazy, and i want to know if there is any easy way to break caffine addiction besides just dropping caffine cold turkey.

回答 (6)

2008-08-11 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is best that you wean from caffeine slowly. Drink tea instead. Tea has a lower caffeine content than soda. Doing 30 min to an hour of aerobic exercise in the morning should wake you up without using caffeine.
2008-08-12 5:49 am
caffeine is highly addictive. but cutting it completely out of your life could lead to some surprisingly serious withdrawal symptoms, like headaches, sleepiness, and extreme irritability. you could try buying less soda and caffeinated drinks to keep in the house, but that won't stop you from buying it at work or on the go. perhaps if you made something like soda or coffee your treat on the weekends, it could be something to look forward to. if you feel like you are truly addicted to the buzz you get from caffeine, to the point where it's ruining your life (doubtful, but i guess it could be that serious) then i'd suggest asking a doctor for advice. he or she may suggest you change/adjust your current diet. it is possible that you are not eating enough nourishing foods, which could be adding to your grogginess and fatigue, and in turn increasing your dependancy on caffeine. some people think you can drop it cold turkey, but i definitely disagree. too much caffeine can lead to serious problems, including hypertension, insomnia, and peptic ulcers! easiest way to kick this addiction? that's up to you. it's different for everyone. i found this article, maybe it could help:


good luck!
參考: i had a history teacher that was addicted to caffeine, and he developed stomach ulcers before he even reached 30.
2008-08-12 5:37 am
A lot of water. Anytime you want to something with caffeine, drink water. I know it's hard, but just drinking something helps. Or try mixing a drink of half soda and half water, it sounds gross, but it still gives you a bit of your fix and will help you wean off of your addiction. Try it, anytime you want caffeine, put in a cup with half water. It may help. It takes willpower.
2008-08-12 5:34 am
I'm not sure how much caffeine you drink, exactly, but start slow. Scale back how much you drink/ingest a little bit a time. For example, if you drink two sodas a day, for a week or two try limiting yourself to a soda and a half-- scale back gradually until you can get through the day without touching a soda. Or try drinking caffeine free soda. You can enjoy the taste of your soda, and your body will recognize the flavor to mean energy-- without actually ingesting the drug (yes, caffeine is a drug.) Furthermore, if you're having problems with energy, various sources could be the cause besides your caffeine addiction. Go to the doctor and have your thyroid and iron levels tested-- low iron and hypothyroidism can account for low energy. Try upping the fiber and protein content in your diet by eating whole-grains, lean meats, and things like legumes (nutes, etc.) These give you longer-lasting, healthy forms of energy.

Try these and see what happens! Remember to get a good night's sleep, too, so you'll be well-rested and get natural energy from that. Also remember to watch the chocolate you eat throughout the day-- this contains enough caffeine to be a problem as you wean yourself off!
2008-08-12 5:32 am
try to weaken it gradually
and drink more water

I did it and now I don't drink caffeine at all
2008-08-12 5:31 am
The easiest and cheapest way is just stopping and waiting out the withdraw symptoms. You can do it! (you won't die without caffeine).

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