My daughter has a bite on her calf. It has swollen up and the center has a white head possibly the bite spot

2008-08-11 10:11 pm
but then it goes to a red as in a bruise color then around that is a lighter almost pink color. the entire area of discolaration and inflammation is approximately 3-4 inchs in diameter. It has been painful for about 3 days now. We never saw a tick on her but it is possible. Or do you think it could be a spider bite?

回答 (14)

2008-08-11 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need to take your daughter to a doctor right away. The infection is apparently spreading rapidly. It can be anything from the "flesh-eating" bacteria to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
2008-08-11 10:26 pm
ahh. that happened to me. happened 3 times. once near each knee (on the inner side) and once on the under side of my right arm.

in my expirence, it looked like lime disease. but it wasnt. take her to the doctor. he should say that it is infected, and if you see inflamed red lines comming out from the center, take her back into the doctor's.

i think it is a spider bite. it should heal up after the doctor prescribes some antibiotics (i think he'll prescribe antibiotics). it takes a few days,to about a week and a half. it will most likely leave a slight indent in the skin where the center was.

after the doctor gives you antibiotics for her, and here is the gross part, you have to take off the white part of the bite, and squeeze the white, gooey pus-like stuff out. make sure no blood comes out. whipe it in with paper towel, and try not to get it on yourself.

do this 1-2 times a day until the white head goes away, or until it gets difficult to get pus.

also, 5-10 times a day, get a wash rag, get it wet with hot water from your faucet, and heat it in the microwave until its hot, but still safe to touch. then apply this to the center of the bite by pressing it gently.

let me know via email at [email protected] if anything goes wrong.

also, since it was a spider bite, clean out everywhere. if she got it while she was sleeping, take apart her room, and clean everywhere. even if her room is clean, the spider(s) can still be there. also make sure that any windows to the outside are fully sealed. you defidently don't want that little bugger crawling about your house.
2008-08-11 10:22 pm
Sounds very much like a spider bite. The bad thing about spider bite is that the venom can break down natural tissues and cause gangrene type symptoms. She really needs to see a doctor because sometime the process does not stop on it's own. The wound would have to be opened up(don't let you daughter see this!) and cleaned out. A lot of time steroids are necessary to completely take care of the infection. Sometimes they heal on their own but can leave scarring, I wouldn't take the chance at this point, take her to the doctor. Moth
2008-08-11 10:19 pm
That sounds like a spider bite. Get her to a hospital right away, she may have further problems.
2008-08-11 10:18 pm
Sounds like a bite, best to get it checked out by a doctor. Antihistamine will help, as will calamine lotion if it itches. If you don't have calamine lotion, toothpaste is a good alternative. Most importantly go and see the doctor.

I hope your daughter is better soon.
2008-08-11 10:17 pm
Hi dude, I have had quite a lot of those this summer because i have been playing tennis a lot in open air, it could be a mosquito bite or a heat rash or a mix of both, if you're british i would advise you to go to boots and get boot's own brand anti-hystamine cream and if your from wherever just get some anti-hystamine, it helps.
2008-08-11 10:16 pm
Possiably a spider bite, but spiders normally leave two bite marks as they use both fangs, but the inflamation and discolouration could also be another insect.
Anyhow if it gets any worse or your daughter starts feeling ill id advise you to go see your GP or go to A&E.
2008-08-11 10:16 pm
take her to the doctor. this happnened to me. i went to the doctor and found out that it wasnt that big of a deal. its better knowing than not knowing at all. i was just allergic to mosuitos and thats how my body and skin reacted. hope this helps but definelty take her to the doctor just to make sure!good luck!
2008-08-11 10:15 pm
its most likely a tick bite you should try to remove the head with tweezers or if the swelling continues take her to the doctors immediatly
2008-08-11 10:15 pm
It's probably healing from the outside in will need to be seen by a dr. it may need to be lanced. if it;s red around the area it's infected you didn't say what bit her so take her

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