What is something that should never be covered in spikes?

2008-08-11 7:08 pm

回答 (50)

2008-08-11 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the a§§ of your chair
your unborn baby
your socks (on the inside)
your bra (on the inside)
your beagle
your toung
your panties/man panties
your remote control
your keyboard
your spouse
your cutlery, spoons mostly
your penis
2008-08-11 7:10 pm
Actual spikes?.....a condom
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
A tampon
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
Panty liners
2008-08-11 7:10 pm
A man's reproductive organ..
2008-08-11 7:13 pm
Contact lenses
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
My cat.

How would she clean herself?
2008-08-11 7:10 pm
your pillow
your food
your husband/wife
your kids
your seat
your tounge
2008-08-11 7:37 pm
A tamponetta.
2008-08-11 7:18 pm
The ball pit at McDonald's.....wait, you said NEVER?

never mind then.
2008-08-11 7:16 pm
參考: yowza!
2008-08-11 7:13 pm
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
a pecker
2008-08-11 8:09 pm
WTF! All the good answers are taken. Bastards. Hm, how about your OBGYN's glove? Putting spikes on a catheter line would be tragic, too.

Oh, I just thought of another one. Dental floss.
2008-08-11 7:17 pm
toilet paper
2008-08-11 7:15 pm
condoms, just not into that at all....
2008-08-11 7:15 pm
a kitty licker
2008-08-11 7:14 pm
erm.....a potato? hehe
2008-08-11 7:13 pm
The inside of your shoes.
2008-08-11 7:13 pm
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
Toilet seat, Bicycle seat, any kinda seat!
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
A Penis.
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
Your bed !
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
Lips. :]
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
Your pùssy
2008-08-12 11:56 pm
What is something that shouldn't be covered with spikes? Nice sharp little spikes, yes, everything should have spikes.
2008-08-12 5:41 am
wedding dress
2008-08-12 1:30 am
2008-08-11 10:10 pm
Toilet seats
2008-08-11 9:17 pm
A toliet seat!
2008-08-11 9:12 pm
Anything that will be consumed.
2008-08-11 9:09 pm
My bicycle seat...OUCH...on the bumps!

Sandy :O)
2008-08-11 9:04 pm
Airline Oxygen masks
Lovers lips
Famous Ray's Pizza
2008-08-11 7:19 pm
Toilet paper.
2008-08-11 7:18 pm
fluffy kitties
2008-08-11 7:18 pm
My neck. Totally can't do the goth thing - too blond and tan and happy. lol
2008-08-11 7:18 pm
A pillow.
2008-08-11 7:16 pm
2008-08-11 7:15 pm
2008-08-11 7:14 pm
2008-08-11 7:13 pm
mmmmm i dunno
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
lol I agree with a condom...Ouch!
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
Mr. Johnson and the twins.
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
Ha Ha.. I have to agree with all the male part answers. But, I would say a womans "you know" shouldn't be either.
2008-08-11 7:12 pm
A steering wheel, handlebars, doorknob, etc.
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
a bed
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
your eyes
2008-08-11 7:11 pm
a road
2008-08-11 7:10 pm
a balloon

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