Would my mouth get infected if I let a tooth get cavities and fall out?

2008-08-11 4:23 pm
Part of one of my upper molar broke off about 6 months ago and now I think it's full of cavities since food keeps getting stuck inside it and causes pain. I have to brush with Sensodyne toothpaste and use alcohol to gargle to relieve the pain.

I don't have insurance so can't afford to see a dentist.

Would there be further complications if I let the tooth just decay and fall out on its own? THat's what happened to one of my wisdom tooth and it's fine.

回答 (6)

2008-08-11 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It would almost certainly cause an infection. In fact, the only way that tooth will ever fall out is if you get a massive infection and the roots rot.

Look into dentistry alterantives in your area. A lot of charities offer free, or extremly cheap dentistry to the needy, the salvation army mgiht be your best bet to start looking for that. Or, if you are lucky enough to have one nearby, get in contact with a school of dentistry. Most dental schools will jump at the chance to give you free work, as long as you don't mind letting students practice on you.
2008-08-11 11:30 pm
Yes, it will infect the surrounding teeth and cause them to end up the same way. Not only that, but if the infection gets in your blood it could actually kill you. You need to get it taken care of. Check with your local DHS- they can refer you to your county dental clinic that will charge you on a sliding scale depending on how much you make. Until then- keep food out of it, gargle peroxide, and use Listerine.
2008-08-11 11:28 pm
You can get free or very cheap dental services. Check with your local health dept. and they can direct you to which dentists can help. If you let it rot it will hurt so bad you won't be able to stand it. Plus you can get an abcess which could really make you very sick or even poison your blood and kill you.
2008-08-11 11:28 pm
Tooth infections can affect your brain and cause heart failure. See about going to a dental college to fix your cavities....the students work on them under supervision and it's less expensive. And just WAIT...I've had two abscesses in the same tooth and the pain is UNBEARABLE.
2008-08-11 11:32 pm
The decay can get in your blood stream and stop your heart.
Talk with your dentist, to work out a payment plan. <}:-})
2008-08-12 12:01 am
Pain is an indication that your tooth is infected. The infection is most likely under the roots of your broken upper molar, beyond the reach of your tooth brush. Gargling with alcohol won't do it. You can test for infection by picking deep alongside your gum and the broken tooth using a dental probe. A foul odor on your dental probe and swollen gum indicate that your gum is infected. Best course of action is to go see a dentist to have your broken molar removed. Your infected tooth is unlikely to fall out by itself. If left untreated, the infection will only get worse, and possibly spread to other parts of the body. A systemic infection can have serious consequences including death.
It is possible for you to clean out the infection yourself by using a very slim steel dental probe provided there is enough room for the probe to go deep enough to reach the infected area. It is going to take a lot of perserverence and determination. If at all possible, borrow some money from your friends and relatives and go see a dentist.

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