Pressured into Tubal ligation?

2008-08-11 4:11 pm
I had a tubal ligation when I was 21 years old due to medical complications. It is a health risk if I were to give birth to a baby.

My husband and I talked about this before marriage. I already told him I am not having a baby. All of the sudden he keeps talking about all the “wonderful & fun reasons to have kids”. He wants a child that is half of each of us. He is also talking about me getting the surgery reversed.

Since he brought this subject up this past weekend....I thought about the time when I got my tubes tied. My mother was the main reason I had the surgery. She was always VERY over-protective of me. (I have physical disabilities)

I am allergic to general anesthesia and need to have a c-section because of my hips. I cannot have an epidural or spinal tap because of my spine.

However, my mother in law told me that they use LOCAL anesthesia for c-sections. She was an Operating Room technician at the hospital.

I can’t help but wonder if I was pressured into my mother decision when I was younger. Do anyone have any insight on this?

I do not know if I want kids. I have gone 27 years with the idea of never having children and I've been content with that. We haven't seriously talked about this yet...but it was something that came up and got me wondering. I just wonder if maybe I was pressured into this and mis-informed by my mother all these years...she does like to be in control.


We cannot afford a Surrogate. I have explored all of this. We cannot adopt, because of his criminal record. He was charged with possession of narcotics when he was 17.


I have dwarfism and I'm aware of many women with dwarfism having children. The procedure is what concerned my mother! I have had over 18 surgeries, including the tubal ligation. My allergic reaction to general anesthesia is controlled with medications and other precautions. I am learning a lot here!

回答 (4)

2008-08-11 4:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, first of all, I can't for the life of me understand what doctor would perform a tubal ligation on a 21 year old female - regardless of whether she had a physical disability or not. Did the doctor recommend that you have a tubal ligation? Or was your mother afraid of whatever disability that you have being passed on to your child?

If you weren't interested in having children or it was recommended that you don't, a GOOD, responsible doctor would have discussed hormonal birth control methods first (like Depo-Provera or the implant which both have good long-term effectiveness against pregnancy).

Second of all, so you'd have to have a C-section to have a baby. LOTS of women have C-sections every day. Yes, there are risks and complications, but there are risks and complications with vaginal births.

Just and FYI about this: There is a woman that was born with a condition that made her legs completely useless, so when she was a child, her parents decided to have her legs and hips amputated. As an adult she gave birth to, not just one, but TWO children. People who have different forms of dwarfism (little people) get pregnant and have children (look at "Little People, Big World" on TLC - the mother on there gave birth to four kids and she had twins - she carried TWINS!!!) so it IS possible.

You can have your tubal ligation reversed but there is a possibility that it won't take. Especially if they sautered off the ends when they tied them. If they used the clips, then there is a possibility that you could have no problem getting pregnant.

Yes, usually they use a local anethesia (i.e. epidural or spinal block) when performing C-sections, but they can and do use general when and if needed. Especially when the situation calls for it (sometimes they have real emergencies where they have to knock the mother out completely). A C-section is so fast that the minute they anesthetize the mother and she is out they immediately open her up and get the baby out before the drugs have the ability to affect the baby.

Yes, I think your mom may have had a bit too much influence on you. You should see a specialist who is experienced in your form of disability and see if physically it could be safe for you to have a child. Sometimes parents, especially those of disabled children, don't give their children enough credit or are afraid that their child will be hurt or unable to care for the baby. You should let this be your decision if, God willing, you find out that you can carry a child.

Good luck and Godspeed, sweetie!
2008-08-11 11:17 pm
I would make an appt. with an OB/Gyn to ask for advice. Tubal ligations are easily reversed and your mother in law is absolutely right on the local for c-sections. If you're willing to rely on God and go ahead with having children (which would only be a blessing, by the way!) I say, go for it! Get some professional advice and make your hubby happy with a baby! God bless you!
2008-08-11 11:31 pm
I don't think it is possible to answer this without more information, but you need to look at what kind of complications you would suffer. If they are can get other opinions from other doctors on this...more than might want to heed the advice.

This is your body and your life. Not just your husband's.

I knew a woman who was partially blind. Her blind husband insisted she have a cornea transplant. She did it. Saw clearly for about a week, then lost not only her vision but her eyes to infection. He immediately left her because he coudln't be married to a blind woman.

This is an extreme example, but it shows what can happen when a husband is not respectful of his wife's needs and capabilities. Your husband should love you first, ahead of any children he might have to raise without you.

Now, if you learn that the complications are not serious or no longer exist and you want to take the risk of reversing the surgery and pregnancy, then you might want to make that choice.

An adopted child would emotionally be half you and half him. Go slowly and think this through. Talk to your girlfriends and other women. Talk to your husband about what the effects would be on you and about adoption or not having children. You did tell him ahead of time.

May you find the right answer for you.
2008-08-11 11:24 pm
Nobody should have been pressured into elective surgery because you may regret it later. Using a surrogate is a safe way to have your biological child. Your doctor injects hormones into you to make your ovaries produce plenty of eggs. These eggs are then harvested by laparoscopy, fertilized using your husband's sperms in a Petri dish, and the fertilized embryo is implanted into a surrogate mother. This can get very expensive, and your surrogate may change her mind later and decides to keep the baby.

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