What things in Korea are cheap??

2008-08-11 9:40 am
I need this week...plz...thx

回答 (7)

2008-08-11 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
clothes: if you go into the subway malls? they have a lot of cheap things. some may be fake imitations. but who can tell the difference? vondutch hats are like 7-10 dollars. cute watches are 7-10 dollars. cute necklaces. and their socks!!! there are like shin ramen socks, wondergirl socks, and more.

supplies: some pencils are 1dollar. some are 2. but compared to buying it in america, its cheap cause they almost double the price here. some are 50 cents.

food: chips are 50 cents. ice cream is 50 cents. but the bigger ones are more expensive. soda is 50 cents. the hot drinks from the vending machines are 20-30 cents.

transportation fare: im not sure but i think it was like 30-60 cents for children for subway. and similar amount for the bus.

korea has a lot of cheap stuff :D
2008-08-11 1:05 pm
Health insurance, doctor/dentist visits, Korean food, and knockoff clothes, DVDs, CDs, and accessories are all cheap.

Income taxes are also low.
參考: I live in Korea.
2008-08-11 12:52 pm
Womens shoes sold on the subway are 10,000 to 15,000 korean won.
Clothes can be cheap too if you're not shopping at a department store.
Items can be as cheap as 10,000 or 20,000 if you know where to shop say in underground malls. Cosmetics are cheap too if you're shopping at a Korean franchise or discount store. Household items for the home are as low as 1,000 or 2,000 at Daisy Co, and DC mart is also good for home wear.
Cell phones can be cheap to free.
snacks are 500 won.
2008-08-11 12:08 pm
Shim Ramen? sorry but I don't know which "things" you need
2008-08-11 9:49 am
Non Authethic "LV", instant noddle...
2016-11-07 10:46 am
Shin Ramyun Socks
2016-03-18 11:35 pm
Anything in Korea that is imported is going to be VERY expensive. However you can get a lot of knock-offs that are decent quality and cheap. Korean food is fairly cheap, and a meal for one person is almost always under 10 bucks. Any western style restaraunts(Fridays, outback, bennigans) you'll pay double what you do in the states for a smaller portion. For lodging they have a wide variety. You can get a cheap motel for 25 bucks a night, or stay in a nice hotel like the marriot, hyatt or hilton and pay a whole lot more. Down south out of the city things might be cheaper, but don't expect it to be a cheap trip. I love this country, but I have to say I don't really think its worth a vacation it for the money it costs. Theres some interesting things to see here, but not enough that I'd be willing to pay what it would cost. That being said, its a pretty awesome place to live because of the people.

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