
2008-08-12 6:17 am
The following is a page from a pet guide. Complete the descriptions using the names of types of pets and verbs that describe the things that pets do. Then answer the questions below.

Cats make very good pets, particularly if there is no one at home during the day. However, think carefully about what type of breed you get. Some breeds, like
(1) Siamese cats can be very demanding and (2)___________ for hours asking for food. Some are even louder and (3)____________like an angry child if they don’t get your attention. Of course, most cats are happy to sit on your lap and (4)__________contentedly, so don’t avoid getting a cat just because some breeds are demanding and noisy.

(5)__________make good pets for people who live in small flats since they only need a small tank of water to live in. they are fairly easy to keep and interesting to watch as they (6)____________around. However, be careful that you always wash your hands after touching them. Recent research shows that they carry diseases that can be harmful to humans.

Bird flu has made many people wary about keeping (7)__________. However, for someone who doesn’t mind taking the risk, they can be perfect pets since they’re very intelligent and have no trouble (8)___________tricks. However, be warned: the risk of getting bird flu is not the only disadvantage of keeping this kind of bird. Another one is that they sometimes squawk very loudly.

One bad thing about keeping (9)____________is that friends who are terrified of spiders won’t want to come to your flat anymore. One good thing is that they are easy to care for, cheap to feed and quite interesting to observe, especially when they (10)____________around (which is what they do when hunting for food) rather than crawl.

(11)_____________make great pets. They’re quiet, easy to keep, harmless and attractive.

回答 (1)

2008-08-12 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Siamese cats can be very demanding and (2)_____growl______ for hours asking for food. Some are even louder and (3)_____sound_______like an angry child if they don’t get your attention. Of course, most cats are happy to sit on your lap and (4)_____purr_____contentedly, so don’t avoid getting a cat just because some breeds are demanding and noisy.

(5)_____Fish_____make good pets for people who live in small flats since they only need a small tank of water to live in. they are fairly easy to keep and interesting to watch as they (6)______swim______around. However, be careful that you always wash your hands after touching them. Recent research shows that they carry diseases that can be harmful to humans.

Bird flu has made many people wary about keeping (7)_____parrots_____. However, for someone who doesn’t mind taking the risk, they can be perfect pets since they’re very intelligent and have no trouble (8)_____performing______tricks. However, be warned: the risk of getting bird flu is not the only disadvantage of keeping this kind of bird. Another one is that they sometimes squawk very loudly.

One bad thing about keeping (9)______a spider______is that friends who are terrified of spiders won’t want to come to your flat anymore. One good thing is that they are easy to care for, cheap to feed and quite interesting to observe, especially when they (10)_____web_______around (which is what they do when hunting for food) rather than crawl.

(11)_______Hamsters______make great pets. They’re quiet, easy to keep, harmless and attractive.

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