English Book Report !!!!!! 快快快

2008-08-11 10:19 pm
english book report please.....

1.title of book:
2.main characters (at least 4):
3. type of book : (adventure/comedy/detective/horror/other:_______)
4. (before you read:)
why did you choose this book?what is your first impression of this book?
5.(while you read:)
story and setting
6.my favourite character is ________ (why?)


回答 (3)

2008-08-19 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Book Title: Astronauts - Teeth of the T. rex

Author: Steve Cole

Publisher: Red Fox

Number of pages: 68

Teggs and Gipsy answered a call for help from a wrecked ship. However, that was a trap from some terrible T. rexes! They were locked up in prison and were in danger of being eaten. Luckily, their friends Arx and Iggy tried their best to help them. Iggy was also trapped but at last, Arx knew what happened and Iggy, Teggs and gipsy were saved.

My favourite character is Arx. He was so clever and calm that he could find out what happened at last. Besides, he was such a good astrosaur that he cared his friends really much and that he went into the T. rex kingdom to rescue his friends.
I think this book is really touching. It tells us that friendship is a very precious thing. Also, this book is quite exciting. I feel relieved when Teggs, Iggy and Gipsy were saved. I will recommend this book to my classmates and friends.
=].. I hope can help. U..-
參考: =]我
2010-01-04 12:21 am
thonk you==
2008-08-13 5:44 am
In the beginning of story, Romeo and Juliet fall in love, but their families hate each other. Despite family pressure, the kids are secretly married. One day Romeo gets into a fight with the man whom Juliet’s family wants her to marry. Romeo ends up killing him accidentally. As a result, Romeo is banished from Verona.

Juliet is very worried and goes to get help from someone she trusts. A man gives her some drugs that will allow her to fake her death so that she can get put in the family tomb, then wake up and be able to leave with her Romeo.

Romeo does not know about the plan at all. Thinking Juliet is dead, he kills himself in the tomb, beside Juliet. Juliet wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and kills herself.

At the end, their bodies are discovered, and the two families are united by mutual tragedy. They agree to stop the feud forever.

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