啱啱簽咗一年生一年租屋死約. 因有事要早退租.~20分~!! help!

2008-08-11 9:52 pm
如題...我真係呢個月啱啱先簽咗一年生一年租屋死約. 只因我屋企人o係外國因family matters可能要返去一排(唔知幾耐) 我想問問如果早退租嘅最理想同埋最差嘅outcome 會係點? 個屋主都幾好人的. (簽約時見過一次面)..please help me!!

回答 (2)

2008-08-11 11:46 pm
You can inform the landlord to explain to them that why are you termination
of tenanc, the landlord may be deducted two months deposit for penalty.

Please note that in 09/07/2004 overrule the running tenancy, when you may
have a chance to lease a property, if have any agent tell you that one year
fixed tenancy and one year as running tenancy, you can choice to one year
fixed tenancy and/or 2 years fixed tenancy.
2008-08-11 9:55 pm
首先你份約講明如果毁約的話, 會沒收全部按金上期, 定只沒收一個月。跟住你就打比個業主同佢講, 講出你既事實, 話只賠償一個月得唔得。


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