
2008-08-11 9:10 pm





謝謝你們~ 我會多休息了

回答 (2)

2008-08-12 11:49 am
大腿後肌群韌帶 , 對上會連接腰背韌帶 , 對下會連接膝蓋韌帶 , 而你只講大腿後面的肌肉拉筋拉傷了 , 但沒說明痛的正確位置 , 和痛的時候既徵狀 , 在此會比較難為你解答 , 如果你屢醫無效的話 , 請容許我在此稍作介紹 , 雖然在坊間有很多不同類別既技術支援 , 你還可以嘗試 [ 治療推拿 ] , 因為治療推拿係透過 { 力 } , { 能 } , { 信息 } 為患者治療有關痛症 o

{ 力 } 是通過外力 , 使解剖位置得以糾正 , 從而治療因解剖位置不正確而引起的不適 o
{ 能 } 是通過特定的手法在體外作功 ,將能量傳遞深入體內病變部位 ,改變內能 , 活躍細胞組織 o
{ 信息 } 指生物信息(各臟腑的固有頻率,及生物電等)在體表各特定部位如經絡、穴位等,通過各種剌擊,使失常的生物信息加以調整,從而起到對病變臟腑的調整作用。
而治療推拿就係中醫骨傷鈄既外治手法 , 會針對韌帶和肌腱上的創傷 , 活躍細胞組織 , 平衡內分泌恊調 , 發揮病者自行與疾病作鬥爭的能動力 , 籍此來幫助患者痊癒 o
在此先祝你快 D 好番~.Q.~(>^.^<)~.Q.~
參考: 未痊癒時請盡量少食糯米 !!!
2008-08-11 9:26 pm
The reason is one time you use or stretch肌肉 or 筋 too much.

Please stop 拉筋 and have rest.
Please go to see doctor also to check whether is 拉傷肌肉 or 拉傷筋.

According to my friends and I 's experience, it takes 14 days and even up to
two months for 肌肉 or 筋to recover.

Everyday stretching is a good exerice and I also stretch everyday. Please be
aware not to increase the progress very much for a time. E.g. Increase the
progress for a stretching 1 cm for a week for a given stretching exerice.

My friend hurt herself becuase she increase the progress of 3 cm for a day.
Then she hurt herself and rest for at least two months.

Take care!

2008-08-11 13:29:36 補充:
The only method to cure is to rest. I know it is very hard for we guys sporty person not to have sport activities. Be patience and have rest! Doctor's medicine is to help you not feeling painful but not much helpful for recovery. Moreover, there are side effect if you use the medicine too much.

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