
2008-08-11 8:28 pm
T1 . He seated himself beside the window on the train .
為什麼用seated , not sat , sits or in seated?
T2 .After she had several drinks , she lost consciousness.
the similiar meaning of several is ?
為何答案是 a couple of , 不是a little of?
T3 the other 和another 的分別及用法!
T4 Most studies of these questions seem to _(_a )____to the fact that both the conditions under __(b_)____a person grows up decide how well the person learns.
為何 a 是 point 不是infer, post, show?有何公別
b 是 what 不是 whom , that , which?
T5 passed on to , passed up to , passed down to 和passed in to 的分別

回答 (2)

2008-08-11 9:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.seated 係「叫人就坐」,唔同 sit(自己坐)。所以如果係 he ... himself,就只能夠係 seated。即係 sits / sat 都唔得。
in seated o既問題係,he 後應該用動詞,不應接 preposition。
2.several 係「幾」,而 drinks 係解「幾杯飲料(多數係酒)」。由於係逐杯計,所以應用 a couple of。
其次,指「少量」應用 a little(不可數) / a few(可數),唔會有 of 跟尾。
3.如果有兩樣o野,第一個就係 one,「另一個」就係 the other,因為唔係第一個,就只係得返「另一個」o既可能(either A or B)。
another 就冇「另一個」o既意思,反而有「額外」之意,如:
Can I have another bun? 我可否食多個包?(即係已經食左第一個)
Can I have the other bun? 我可否食另一個包?(即係唔要第一個)
4a.point 後我地會用 to;infer 後會用 from 或唔用,show 亦唔會有 preposition。post?唔啦更喎。
4b.呢個字應該係代替 the conditions o既一個代名詞。我認為應該用 which,唔係 what。
5.pass on 係「傳授(如知識)」、「傳遞(物件)」;pass up 係「放棄(即 give up)」;pass down 係「流傳下去(一d有悠久歷史o既o野)」;pass in... 有架咩?

2008-08-11 13:27:17 補充:

oxford 出版 practical english usage(2005, p482):

What is only used to mean "the thing(s) which". It CANNOT BE USED as an ordinary relative pronoun after a noun or pronoun.

e.g. We haven't got everything that you orderd. (NOT ... everything what...)

2008-08-11 13:27:21 補充:
We use which, not what, to refer to a whole clause that comes before.

e.g. Sally married Joe, which made paul very unhappy. (NOT ... what made)

咁即係已經否定左 what 啦。
2008-08-11 10:00 pm
T1 . He seated himself beside the window on the train .
為什麼用seated , not sat , sits or in seated?
(Be) seated係安住全喺1個特定座位,或叫你坐嘅禮貌講法,如:please be seated, sit只係坐,邊度都得,冇其他意思.

T2 .After she had several drinks , she lost consciousness.
the similiar meaning of several is ?
為何答案是 a couple of , 不是a little of?
a little of(少少)跟不可數名詞(冇s嗰d), a couple of 跟可數名詞(有s),咁drinks係跟a couple of(幾個).用法唔同,意思一樣.

T3 the other 和another 的分別及用法!
the other=其他,另外(可 s),
another=另1個(不能 s)

T4 Most studies of these questions seem to _(_a )____to the fact that both the conditions under __(b_)____a person grows up decide how well the person learns.
為何 a 是 point 不是infer, post, show?有何公別
b 是 what 不是 whom , that , which?
a ahow係顯示(唔 to),post係寄(意思唔用同),呢兩個一定唔啱.infer係指示
b whom(誰)指人,that/which用法差唔多,好似連詞咁用,指某一,what係指事物,佢呢度指conditions,用what,即係對應how well,乜嘢情況下成長決定佢嘅好壞

T5 passed on to , passed up to , passed down to 和passed in to 的分別
pass on to=傳(波或其他嘢)俾某人,未見過pass in to(字面解傳入去), pass down to(傳落去), pass up to傳上去

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