urgent : 我兩前我給了你已經給了你那本書.. 英文點寫??

2008-08-11 6:17 pm
urgent : 我兩前我給了你已經給了你那本書.. 英文點寫??

回答 (5)

2008-08-11 9:02 pm
我兩前我給了你已經給了你那本書.. 英文點寫??

I already have gave you the book two days ago.
The book you wanted were given to you 2 days ago.
參考: Own
2008-08-11 8:57 pm
我地小學學英文,見到「已經」就諗到 already,見到 already 就本能反應咁諗起:「哦,要用 present perfect tense。」

但係其實呢個唔係鐵律。引用 oxford 出版 practical english usage (2005),講 present perfect o既部份(p441):

We do not often use the present perfect with words that refer to a completely finished period of time, like yesterday, last week, ... three years ago...

本句必須用到 two days ago,所以亦不宜用 present perfect,用 simple past 已經可以將事講出o黎。如開場白所講,already 亦唔係必用 present perfect。


I already gave you that book two days ago.
參考: Myself
2008-08-11 8:51 pm
我地小學學英文,見到「已經」就諗到 already,見到 already 就本能反應咁諗起:「哦,要用 present perfect tense。」
但係其實呢個唔係鐵律。引用 oxford 出版 practical english usage (2005),講 present perfect o既部份(p441):
We do not often use the present perfect with words that refer to a completely finished period of time, like yesterday, last week, ... three years ago...
本句必須用到 two days ago,所以亦不宜用 present perfect,用 simple past 已經可以將事講出o黎。如開場白所講,already 亦唔係必用 present perfect。
I already gave you that book two days ago.

2008-08-11 13:31:44 補充:

2008-08-11 7:07 pm
I have already given you that book two days before.
參考: myself
2008-08-11 6:24 pm
Two days ago , I already gave you that book.


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