how can i write this in english?

2008-08-11 1:30 pm
how can i write this in english?


回答 (6)

2008-08-11 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I just finished form 5 at the secondary school.
You can use graduated畢業 also, if you want!
參考: myself
2008-08-20 1:38 pm
i have just studied form 5

2008-08-20 05:38:53 補充:
studied/ finish,,
2008-08-11 8:47 pm
i have just finished Secondary 5.
2008-08-11 8:20 pm
I just finished F.5 (11th grade in the U.S.)
I just finished five years of secondary school (high school in the U.S.)
2008-08-11 5:54 pm
I mastered Secondary 5 level this year, just a few months ago.
2008-08-11 2:35 pm
I just finished high school Form 5 (Grade 11).

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