
2008-08-11 1:22 pm
計畫於本月尾到捷克旅行, 知道於布拉格乘搭地鐵, 行李也要買票. 除了地鐵之外, 請問機場巴士119, 以及遠程巴士分別到KV, Telc, 及CK又要唔要俾行李附加費? 要的話幾錢? 我是揹大背囊旅行的. THANKS!

回答 (3)

2008-08-15 11:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
我上年去過布拉格, 但無論乘搭地鐵, 機場巴士, 遠程巴士都沒有俾行李附加費, 我想不用太過擔心
2008-08-14 2:09 am
i'm also interested in backpack travel to eastern europe from End Aug to sept.
But i'm not so sure which countries and places are worth to go and must go.
No Backpacker experience, business travel to switwerland in this april only. hope u can share your brief itinerary
2008-08-12 6:06 am

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