
2008-08-11 9:45 am
物理學家Heinrich Rudolf Hertz到底是姓Hertz,還是名Hertz?

回答 (2)

2008-08-11 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hertz can be both first and last name.
If first name use Hertz, means "Brave/Bold"
In here, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, Hertz should be a last name. Heinrich is first name and Rudolf is middle name.
In United State last name is always at last. And also Hertz is a rental car company in USA.
參考: myself, living in USA
2008-08-11 9:04 pm
Hertz is both first and last name

He is of a last name

He first is heinrich

He medium is rudolf

And he last is hertz
參考: Myself,Live in usa

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