
2008-08-11 8:44 am




回答 (1)

2008-08-11 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Hope more kind-hearted and caring." Veteran political arena was eating a meal risk Overlord explosion homicide experience, Yau Ma Tei, a female hotel owners, "Chang chicken British" famine relief Yiju the widely circulated. In fact, "Chang chicken Britain" a child to sneak into Hong Kong from the Mainland, have suffered human well-being, also tried the taste of poverty and hunger, over the years not only willing to let the poor Baichibaihe, a few years ago obligation to act as social workers The north of Guangzhou, and then a psychiatrist-to return to Hong Kong for treatment, the quack who also touching it, not tea stall close to the protection fee.

The middle of last month, a veteran Luo Nan to the political arena, "Chang chicken Britain" in the Battery Street, Yau Ma Tei, opened the hotel-eat "King meal", which "Chang chicken British" argued, it was under throwing Shengnu Cup disruption and police officers to Arrived at the scene, being "Jet Tea" and "Jet Wine" resistance, the police finally to be subdued with pepper spray and the suspect was from a knife. After the incident come to an end, "Chang chicken Britain" in the name of the first tree in Yau Ma Tei area more loud, but she is not praise the courage to refuse to eat the political arena Gangster "King meal," but her over the years to the poor free - Drinking Yiju.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:00:33
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