
2008-08-11 8:43 am


旺角 嘉禾大廈發生5級大火,4人死亡,包括兩名消防員,另有55人受傷,消防員救出近百人。



事故共有4人死亡。除了在大廈閣樓發現的一具燒焦屍體外,其餘3名死者分別是46歲消防隊目、25五歲消防員及一名77歲老婦,他們分別被送到伊利沙伯醫院 、廣華醫院 及瑪嘉烈醫院 後証實死亡。


事發大廈現時仍然封閉,居民暫未能入內。民政事務總署 已開放旺角社區會堂供受影響的市民暫時棲身,地址為上海 街557號旺角綜合大樓二樓。警方會公布大廈重新開放的安排。如有查詢,可聯絡民政事務總署,電話2787 4086。

回答 (2)

2008-08-13 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Kuangjiao Jiahe building has 5 levels of fire, 4 dead, including
two fire fighters, and some 55 injured, the fire fighter rescues the
nearly hundred people.

The scene of a fire is Kuangjiao Nathan lives the building 687 to a
689 15 building store heights business the garret, in this morning 9
o'clock 20 distributes the fresh fire-alarm, 43 deciliters are 3
levels; 10 o'clock 23 deciliters are 4 levels; 12 o'clock 16
deciliters are 5 levels. The fire fighter extinguishes about 3 PM of
15 minute the fire.

In the motion, the fire fighter altogether uses five fire throats and
ten rows smoke hats team saves goal, and rescues the exceed 90 people.

The accident altogether has 4 dead. Except which discovered in the
building garret scorches outside the corpse, other 3 dead respectively
are 46 year old of fire brigade item, 255 year old fire fighters and
77 year old old women, after they are separately delivered the
Elizabeth hospital, Guanghua Hospital and Majialie Hospital confirm
the death.

In addition, the fire-alarm also creates 55 injured, 33 people left
the hospital after the government. 22 still kept the courtyard in
wounded, 3 male and female situations serious, other 18 person of
situations were stable or satisfaction.

The matter sent the building now still to seal up in, the inhabitant
could enter. The civil affair head office opened the Kuangjiao
community meeting hall for the resident which affects temporarily to
roost the body, the address synthesizes for Shanghai street 557th
Kuangjiao the building two buildings. The police can announce the
arrangement which the building reopens. If has the inquiry, may
contact the civil affair head office, the telephone 27.874086 million.
參考: yahoo
2008-08-13 12:30 am
The Kuangjiao Jiahe building has 5 levels of fire, 4 dead, including
two fire fighters, and some 55 injured, the fire fighter rescues the
nearly hundred people.

The scene of a fire is Kuangjiao Nathan lives the building 687 to a
689 15 building store heights business the garret, in this morning 9
o'clock 20 distributes the fresh fire-alarm, 43 deciliters are 3
levels; 10 o'clock 23 deciliters are 4 levels; 12 o'clock 16
deciliters are 5 levels. The fire fighter extinguishes about 3 PM of
15 minute the fire.

In the motion, the fire fighter altogether uses five fire throats and
ten rows smoke hats team saves goal, and rescues the exceed 90 people.

The accident altogether has 4 dead. Except which discovered in the
building garret scorches outside the corpse, other 3 dead respectively
are 46 year old of fire brigade item, 255 year old fire fighters and
77 year old old women, after they are separately delivered the
Elizabeth hospital, Guanghua Hospital and Majialie Hospital confirm
the death.

In addition, the fire-alarm also creates 55 injured, 33 people left
the hospital after the government. 22 still kept the courtyard in
wounded, 3 male and female situations serious, other 18 person of
situations were stable or satisfaction.

The matter sent the building now still to seal up in, the inhabitant
暫未 could enter. The civil affair head office opened the Kuangjiao
community meeting hall for the resident which affects temporarily to
roost the body, the address synthesizes for Shanghai street 557th
Kuangjiao the building two buildings. The police can announce the
arrangement which the building reopens. If has the inquiry, may
contact the civil affair head office, the telephone 27.874086 million.
參考: me

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