
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
此句子的背景: 一名女子發現了他的男友有外遇。

是來自rihanna的一首歌- Take a Bow 的歌詞 我知道got caught的意思, 但我覺得"當我知道xxx.."這裡有點問題, 因為"當xx"通常下句是連接的, 但它的下句不是連接下去的, 所以不知道是否有另一譯法? 還是根本寫歌詞那人沒打算它的下句是連接的?


很矛盾啊.. 那麼誰才是對的?? T_T


全首歌詞url: http://www.metrolyrics.com/take-a-bow-lyrics-rihanna.html 而我問的附近的句子: And don't tell me you're sorry 'cuz you're not Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught Really had me goin' But now it's time to go Curtain's finally closin' That was quite a show


dorischan31, 我認為Really had me goin' 這句是有意思的, 因這歌的背景是那女的讚男主角做了一場很逼真的表演(That was quite a show), 所以這句可能是指"你真的成功令我進場", 而下句But now it's time to go是"但現在是時候離開了", 便跟前句的解釋和應了. =]

回答 (4)

2008-08-11 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
got caught 被當場捉到 (證據確鑿地被發現)

2008-08-11 13:53:12 補充:
hkwaddle ( 博士級 1 級): I find this sentence very strange because the word 'when'. Now I know that it is a verse from a song. I think the verses sometimes appear to have much grammarical mistakes in order to comply with the music. Anyway your explanation is very good and resourceful.

2008-08-11 14:01:04 補充:
My translation is based on the idea that ----May be, the word 'when' should have posted like this:Baby, I know you're only sorry when you got caught.

2008-08-12 13:21:39 補充:
你知道有那麼愛你的一個人的存在嗎﹏﹏﹏*]] ( 大學級 1 級), Please write the verses of the song now, and let us have more information. Perhaps we can discover something new to solve your problem.

2008-08-12 22:06:01 補充:
有了上一句And don't tell me you're sorry 'cuz you're not 便清楚得多。讓我將兩句再排列及解釋:And, baby, when I know you are only sorry you got caught, don't tell me you sre sorry because you are not. 我認為'AND'和'BABY'是歌詞中,為了遷就音樂或節拍的附加字。

2008-08-12 22:06:10 補充:
前句解:不要告訴我你有歉意,因為你不會有歉意的(我為何那麼了解哩?就是因為『當我知道你只是被當場捉到,才覺得後悔』) 我覺得 'WHEN'就是平時顯示時間的連接詞,哈哈!我們被花巧的歌詞編排愚弄了!

2008-08-12 22:20:37 補充:
Really had me goin' 好一句不知所謂的歌詞!有人認為可以聽歌學英文的話,這句是典型的失敗例子。

2008-08-12 22:28:15 補充:
你知道有那麼愛你的一個人的存在嗎﹏﹏﹏*]] ( 大學級 1 級),你想when I know you are only sorry you got caught有下一句連接,但下一句Really had me goin' 又不知所謂,你沒有想過可能會是連接上一句嗎?

2008-08-13 13:47:37 補充:
你知道有那麼愛你的一個人的存在嗎﹏﹏﹏*]] ( 大學級 1 級), I see! thanks!
2008-08-14 8:40 pm
Standing ovation全體起立鼓掌
Oohhhh... oohhhh ... yeah嗯
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...嗯嗯嗯嗯...

You look so dumb right now你看著好啞巴的權利,現在
Standing outside my house站在外面我家
Trying to apologize要道歉
You're so ugly when you cry你長得很帥,所以醜陋當你哭泣
Please, just cut it out請,只是削減出來

[Chorus] [合唱團]
Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not不要告訴我你很抱歉造成您不
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught嬰兒時,我知道你只是很抱歉,您走入
But you put on quite a show但你提上相當查看
You really had me going你真有我去
But now it's time to go但現在的時間去
Curtain's finally closing窗簾的最後閉幕
That was quite a show這是相當查看
Very entertaining非常娛樂
But it's over now但它的超過現在
Go on and take a bow繼續下去,並採取一鞠躬

Grab your clothes and get gone拿起你的衣服,並獲得了
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on更好地為您抓緊前灑水來對
Talkin' about, girl, I love you, you're the one talkin ' ,女孩,我愛你,您是一
This just looks like the re-run這只是看起來象重新運行
Please, what else is on請你,還有什麼是對

[Chorus] [合唱團]

And don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not不要告訴我你很抱歉造成您不
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught嬰兒時,我知道你只是很抱歉,您走入
But you put on quite a show但你提上相當查看
You really had me going你真有我去
But now it's time to go但現在的時間去
Curtain's finally closing窗簾的最後閉幕
That was quite a show這是相當查看
Very entertaining非常娛樂
But it's over now但它的超過現在
Go on and take a bow繼續下去,並採取一鞠躬

And the award for the best liar goes to you和獎最佳說謊去你
For making me believe that you could be讓我相信你可以
Faithful to me忠實於我
Lets hear your speech ohh讓聽到你的講話, ohh

How about a round of applause如何掌聲
A standing ovation全體起立鼓掌

[Chorus] [合唱團]
But you put on quite a show但你提上相當查看
You really had me going你真有我去
But now it's time to go但現在的時間去
Curtain's finally closing窗簾的最後閉幕
That was quite a show這是相當查看
Very entertaining非常娛樂
But it's over now但它的超過現在
Go on and take a bow繼續下去,並採取一鞠躬

But it's over now但它的超過現在
參考: :)
2008-08-12 8:20 pm
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
句子有兩個意思 , 句 1是表面意義, 句 2 是冇說出口之隱藏含義(hidden menaing)
1. 我知道你要被我捉到(偷食斷正)時, 才會覺後悔的
2. 我知道若然你冇被我捉到(偷食斷正)時, 你不會覺後悔的
全句: Baby, 我知道你只會在被我捉到(偷食斷正)時才會覺後悔的! (其實想帶出 句 2 之隱藏含義)

2008-08-12 12:24:35 補充:
typing error - menaing (it should be meaning)
2008-08-11 8:23 am
get caught 意思係「俾人捉住/發現做左d壞事」。如果以你俾o既背景,就相信係俾人發現佢有第三者。

2008-08-11 00:24:59 補充:

2008-08-11 10:16:49 補充:



你o既問題,如果將句子分成 when I know you're only sorry 同 you got caught 兩段,應該就解決左。

2008-08-11 10:27:03 補充:


when I know you're only sorry = 我知你稍有歉意之時

you got caught = 你已經衰左(一般譯當場捉到,但當場同 got o既意思難以接上)


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