英文 急 急 急

2008-08-11 7:18 am
1.It is a dark room.
We can eat and drink there.
We read the words on the television
And move to the beat of the music.
What is it?______________________.

2.It is a big place with many floors.
We go there to spend money.
We can buy anything we want there.
We can also find many restaurants too.
What is it?_____________________.

3.We go there to keep fit.
People there wear T-shirt and shorts.
We can play on different courts there
Even when it is raining outside.
What is it?_____________________.

回答 (2)

2008-08-11 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Karaoke

2. Shopping Centre / Shopping Mall

3. Gym Club

Hopefully that will help.
2008-08-11 7:21 am
1. Disco
2. Shopping Mall
3. Fitness Centre

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