我架車打唔到呔氣 ??

2008-08-11 6:02 am
My car use 18" SSR wheel. When I insert the pump (in gas station) into the tyre plug of the wheel, the air inside the tyre just releases out and it doesn't stops .. I tried to plug it more tight but it is still the same. This problem happens for 2 of my wheels but the other 2 are working fine.
I have taken my car to change the tyre and the tyre shop can pump up all 4 wheels sucessfully with their equipment ..

Is it because of some problem my SSR wheel ?? Or is it due to the tyre pump of the gas station ? ..

Also, if the wheel alignment does not fit (呔尺唔準), will that cause a higher fuel consumption ? Thanks thanks !! ^_^

回答 (2)

2008-08-13 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有機會係氣咀內之"蕊"老化, 去零件鋪買過新的, 如有小匙, 可以自己換, 亦可去車軚店求助, 不貴的!
呔尺唔準 - It may lead to a slight vibration or 搶軚 while the car is running. And, the tyres may be depreciated faster than normal . I don't think it will lead to a higher consumption of fuel.
Hope that you can understand my Chinese!

2008-08-11 1:17 pm
If the repair shop can do it with no problem, then it shouldn't because of the tires! Sometime some gas station with the air pump nozzle is very beat up, so when you pump the air into the tires, it might make the valve stem stuck open, and the air can escape from the tire, try go to the other station next time, if it do the same, replace the tire valve stem, it may be the cause also. Anyway, repair shop air pump is a lot stronger than the one at the gas station, but it should work the same only slower!

Hope this help!
參考: myself

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