
2008-08-11 5:25 am

回答 (10)

2008-08-11 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go try it! It would bring you endless amazing joy!
現在的英語, go 已不用 to 跟尾了。故【去試下啦】就是 go try it 了。
Amazing joy 是由很常見的 amazing grace 而來。Amazing 一字,本來已有使人驚喜之意。這裡的 amazing joy,有誇張意。
Endless Love 是一首英語名曲。就是譯作「無盡的愛」的。Endless
2008-08-15 5:54 am
go and try it,it bring you endless surprised
參考: me
2008-08-11 7:46 am
give it a try ,it will give you a surprise.
2008-08-11 6:04 am
go to try it, this will give u endless surprised
參考: me
2008-08-11 6:04 am
Give it a try, you would be desperately surprised and amazed.
2008-08-11 5:56 am
Go to try it , It will give you endless suprise and happiness
參考: me
2008-08-11 5:48 am
hi, u can say ...
Try it! u will get something that u never expect.
2008-08-11 5:44 am
Let's try it! It may bring you the unexpected surprise.
參考: 自己
2008-08-11 5:42 am
Try it ! It will give you endless suprise and happiness
2008-08-11 5:32 am
go to try it, this will give u endless surprised

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