
2008-08-11 3:39 am
Simplify the followings and represent in positive indices.

1) (f^6)^3=????

2) (r^2/s^3)^4=?????

3) (2ab^4)^4=??????

回答 (2)

2008-08-11 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) By using the indentity (a^x)^y=a^(xy)
2)Use the identity (a/b)^x=(a^x)/(b^x)
Now use the identity in 1)
3) Use the identity (ab)^x=(a^x) x (b^x)
=2^4 x a^4 x (b^4)^4
2008-08-11 3:47 am
1) f^18

2) r^8/s^12

3) 16a^4b^16
參考: me

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